Danger Zone Plans of the Federal Water Engineering Administration (BWV) in the Atlasdienst \Wasserbuch\ Vorarlberg

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Provided by Bundesministerium für Digitalisierung und Wirtschaftsstandort (BMDW)

Get early access to Danger Zone Plans of the Federal Water Engineering Administration (BWV) in the Atlasdienst \Wasserbuch\ Vorarlberg API!

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.03.17 11:07
Available languages
Wasser, Wasserbuch, Gefahrenzonenplaene_wasserbuch
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Hazard zone plans are expert assessments of the nature and extent of hazards caused by flood events with the probability of occurrence of a 30-year (HQ30) and 100-yearly (HQ100) measurement flood depiction. In addition, the remaining risk if the measurement event is exceeded (HQ300) examine and assess. Annuality is that period in years in which the overrun of the lying design event has to be calculated once. The result of the planning is the delimitation of different hazard zones (HQ30: Outflow zones; HQ100: Red zones, yellow zones; HQ300: Outflow zones, residual risk areas) and zones for flood discharge or flood protection measures are of particular importance (HQ100: Red-yellow zones, blue zones). Only completed hazard zone plans are presented! Work is ongoing on the development of further hazard zone plans in the competence area of the BWV. If no hazard zones are identified in an area, this does not mean that there is no possible There is danger from floods! There may be danger zone plans in For the time being, elaboration or only drain tests are available. In addition, hazards caused by Sloping water and backlog from canals are not shown, as they do not correspond to the usual annualities Assign (HQ30, HQ100, HQ300) to the underlying drain tests. In these cases, it is recommended to contact the affected municipality or the Abbot. Contact us to find out if there is information about flood hazards. In addition to the Federal Water Engineering Administration, the Forest Technical Service for Wildbach and Avalanche Construction (WLV) in their area of competence Hazard Zone Plans. These are not presented and must be carried out by the concerned Community or directly to the relevant department. Important fields and data types of the attribute table (those containing content information): ANLAGENNAM (String) = Name in the water information system Vorarlberg (vowis) ANLAGENSUB (String) = marking, which hazardous or discharge zone it is Edit (string) = status, \installation exists\ = danger zone current WIS_ID (String)= unique identifier in vowis Data source: driving zonesplaene_waterbuch.shp Data up-to-date: Completed hazard zone plans are continuously inserted into the data sets.
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