Address points

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Provided by Ministerstvo vnitra

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
RÚIAN, veřejný dálkový přístup, správní hranice, VDP, stavební objekt, EDAS, názvy ulic, ulice, správní členění, ISUI, adresa, adresní místo
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Dataset description

The Register of Territorial Identification, Addresses and Real Estate (RÚIAN) is one of the four basic registers of the Czech Republic, its functioning is regulated by Act No. 111/2009 Coll., on Basic Registers, as amended. It is fully functional from 1. 7. 2012. The administrator of RÚIAN is the Czech Office for Surveying and Cadastral (ČÚZK). It is part of the Public Administration Information System. RÚIAN maintains descriptive and localisation data on territorial elements, territorial registration units, special purpose territorial elements, their links and addresses. From the point of view of the public administration, the most important reference element of RÚIAN is the address to which other public administration information systems refer. Within the framework of the RÚIAN project there is an agenda Information System for Territorial Identification (ISÚI). Through ISÚI, new entries and updates or cancellations of existing records in RÚIAN are recorded. Editors of territorial elements are, in addition to the registry administrator, municipalities, building offices and the CZSO. Part of the RÚIAN project was the construction of a public remote access, through which RÚIAN and ISÚI data are freely available via the Internet for viewing or downloading via the so-called RÚIAN exchange format ( For the internal needs of the city of Brno, a data layer of specific building numbers (Identification point of the object — IBO) is created in addition to RÚIAN. These are: Area number — is used for detailed localisation of objects in the premises and is assigned to buildings that lie in them and do not have a descriptive number or registration number. The number is composed of the number of the descriptive main building of the complex (usually the gatehouse, the administrative centre, etc.) and an additional, within the area of the unambiguous, identifier — the so-called suffix. The suffix may take alpha, alphanumeric and numerical values. The building number allows for the localisation of objects that have no standard territorial identification number (not even the area number) and is assigned to all buildings that have been identified as building objects (chats, chimneys, chapels, control stations, small building buildings, garages,...). More detailed information can be found in the documentation. The data is in the GCS WGS84 coordinate system.
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