Available languages
planneninventaris, planning, bestemming, 2.24, Bijzonder Plan van Aanleg, bestemmingsplan, plannenregister, BPA, gewestplan, bouw, ruimtelijke juridische plannen, regels, voorschrift, plannencontouren, zonering, ruimtelijke ordening, structuurplan
BPA_CONTOUR City Development/Space This data is kept daily and is therefore always up to date
The plans for construction are defined in the Town Planning Act (Decree on Spatial Planning, coordinated on 22 October 1996); intended are the regional plan, the general plan of construction (A.P.A.) and special plan of construction (B.P.A.).
A special plan of construction shall indicate the following elements for the part of the municipal territory concerned:
the existing situation;
the detailed destination of different parts of the territory for habitation, industry, agriculture or any other use;
the route of all changes to the existing road network;
the rules on the placement, size and prosperity of buildings and fences, as well as those relating to courtyards and gardens.
It may also indicate:
the rules governing the construction and installation of roads, building-free strips and plantations;
the places intended for the construction of green spaces, forest reserves, sports fields and cemeteries, as well as for public buildings and monuments;
if a land consolidation or reassignment proves necessary, the boundaries of the new lots, stating that those borders may be amended by the ship college with the approval of the Flemish Government.
The rules listed above may include restrictions on ownership, including construction bans.
Where a regional, regional or general plan exists, the special plan shall follow and supplement its instructions and provisions. It may deviate from it if necessary.
The “Legal BPAs (current state)” layer published here only indicates that a Special Plan of Construction applies to the area in question, it provides general additional information such as the name of the BPA, the type of BPA, the date of approval, the body that approved the BPA, but does not provide detailed information on destinations, urban planning regulations and the like. This information can be found in part in the layer “BPA_RUP_ground surfaces”. The layer also does not take the history into account; only the current state is displayed.
The planning contours serve to support spatial planning and advice in Antwerp at all policy levels. It is an important layer of information in the preparation, implementation and evaluation of the policy through spatial analysis, kartography, and automated file handling.
Digitisation of the contours of the legally valid BPAs on the large-scale basic map of Antwerp. Selection from the planning register.
&Creation Date: 2002-09-19T00:00:00
&Publication date: 2004-04-16T00:00:00
Update frequency: weekly
& Management: Gert Van Oost
[email protected]