Business parks, Condition 06/09/2018

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2018.09.06 00:00
Available languages
bedrijventerreinen, economie, bedrijf, bedrijven, ondernemen
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The dataset contains the following onderdelen:Bedrijventerreinen in planning: overview of future economic zones or transformation of existing zones into a non-economic destination from design (re)use plans of a public nature. They are plans at the stage where the date of the plenary is known or of which the plenary has already taken place. dedicated (partial) sites with ongoing development or (partial) sites that have not (yet) been developed.Companies: intended land as they actually exist. an object from this section includes all use parcels that fall within a legal plan for economic use, possibly supplemented by adjacent areas of use that have an economic use. overview of the use parcels for which, among other things, the buildings, function, use and availability are collected. Plots of use refer to the visually observable plot (whether or not built up) which may consist of one or more cadastral plots.The sources for the above parts are the following legal plans: regional plan, (special) plans for construction (BPA) or spatial implementation plans (RUP).
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