CENSUS 2011: Number of employed persons: women

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.11.16 00:00
Available languages
emploi, travailleur salarié, assujettis à l’ONSS ou à l’ORPSS, Marché du travail
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Employed persons include all persons aged 15 or over and who as at 31 December 2010 are: — subject to the ONSS or the ONSSAPL (In addition to those present at work on the last working day of the quarter, these statements also include those whose employment contract was not terminated but suspended, due to illness or accident, as a result of maternity leave or reinstatement in the armed forces, and those who are not present at work on the day in question because of leave, strike, partial or fortuitous unemployment or justified or unjustified absence. Workers on career breaks or full-time credit are not accounted for) or —cross-border workers or — international officials or ALE workers (Local Employment Agency) The 2011 Census data are the most recent data we currently have at the sub-communal level. The population of the Census is not strictly defined in the same way as that used for other labour market indicators. This can impact the results even if the orders of magnitude remain the same. Some thematic indicators are also available by statistical sectors on the website of “[\2](\1)”
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