Characteristics of cadastral parcels - Rights of natural persons

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.11.28 16:11
Available languages
Land use, land use classification, onroerend eigendom, Privateigentum, Bâtiment, Grundeigentum, usufruct, acquisition of property, private property, Landgebruik, Flächennutzungsklassifikation, Building, grondeigendom, Besteuerung, federale regering, copropriété, real property, Justiz, Rechtssystem und öffentliche Sicherheit, Bodennutzung, Unterkunft, Gebäude, Miteigentum, Kataster, joint ownership, propriété privée, propriété foncière, Justice, système juridique et sécurité publique, Justice, legal system and public safety, logement, civil status, taxation, taxation, land and buildings, Bodem- en natuurgebiedenbedekking en -gebruik, Immobilieneigentum, belasting (heffen op), Gebouw, Occupation et utilisation du sol et des espaces naturels, gouvernement fédéral, Justitie, rechtsstelsel en openbare veiligheid, acquisition de la propriété, Boden- und Naturgebietsbedeckung und -nutzung, bevolkingsregister, kadaster, usufruit, classificatie op basis van het grondgebruik, burgerlijke stand, federal government, Nationaal, mede-eigendom, National, National, National, eigendomsverkrijging, état civil, cadastre, housing, huisvesting, Usage des sols, propriété immobilière, Standesamtsregister, land register, civil register, Personenstand, vruchtgebruik, Nießbrauch, classification de l'usage des sols, Land and natural area cover and use, Eigentumserwerb, Bundesregierung, registre d'état civil, particuliere eigendom
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Characteristics of the cadastral parcels - Rights of natural persons corresponds to the dataset describing the natural persons holding real rights on the parcels such as recorded by the FPS Finance for registration purposes. This dataset is composed of seven classes. The first class shows, at the national level, for each cadastral nature and for each type of real right, the number of parcels, their total cadastral income, as well as the number of parcels on which natural persons of the age and sex concerned hold the concerned real rights. The second class includes this information at the level of the three regions. The following classes do the same at the level of provinces, arrondissements, municipalities, cadastral divisions and statistical sectors. The dataset can be freely downloaded as a zipped CSV.
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