Dataset information
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Kernen, linten, verspreide bebouwing in Vlaanderen - toestand 2019, OpenbareMetadata
Dataset description
This map shows a typological layout of the building in Flanders, in which it is divided into cores, ribbons and scattered buildings. This classification is based on a maximum morphological approach. This contrasts with a policy definition, such as, for example, the legally established area demarcations through spatial implementation plans, or a demarcation that takes important account of the level of activity, such as, for example, the division into urban, peripheral and rural areas (Poelmans et al., 2020). This classification is fully automatic using a specially developed algorithm based on a number of spatial variables. It builds on the methodology developed in previous studies that have tried to map the ribbon building and core building in detail. The algorithm used was updated during interactive working sessions with experts from VITO and the Environment Department. As a result, the following geodata layers were created: a polygon layer with the cores as contiguously built-up areas with a total size of at least 5 ha and in which a total minimum of 20 households live, and with a sufficiently high density of buildings (number > 30 buildings within a radius of 100 m), or a sufficiently high surface area (footprint > 9 500 m² within a radius of 100 m) of buildings or a sufficiently high density of households (number > 60 households within a radius of 100 m) a line layer with ribbons consisting of streets, located outside the core, which have been built for at least 200 m contiguously or of which at least 80 % of the total street length is built on a polygonal area with a polygonal layer with scattered buildings, these buildings are not listed in the mains, and all of these areas are classified as polygons. The large-scale reference file (GRB) was used as the data source of the buildings and the administrative plots. The Road Register was used for the roads. The space seizure was based on the indicator of the same name published by the Environment Department. The indicator published by the Environment Department was used for household density within the cores. The military domains are those legally established through the regional plans. The industrial sites are based on the GIS business sites of the Flemish Agency for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (VLAIO). The campsites and holiday domains come from the Biological Assessment Card (BWK) and the equestrian database of Tourism Flanders. More details about the method used for this typological classification can be found in the technical report: “Tomas Crols, Lien Poelmans, Lorenz Hambsch, Stijn Vanacker, Peter Willems, Ann Pisman, Karolien Vermeiren and Joris Pieters (2021), Kernen, ribbons, dispersed buildings in Flanders, situation 2013-2016-2019. Morphological classification of buildings in Flanders" which can be found via
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