Deployment of ETCS on the Infrabel rail network

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Sporen, Voies, Geolocalisatie, Lijnen, Geolocation, Tracks, Géolocalisation, Railway Lines, Lignes, ETCS, ETCS, ETCS
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Dataset description

Geolocated schematic representation of the current equipment of the Infrabel network with ETCS or equivalent. The ETCS (European Train Control System) is an automatic European safety system that greatly reduces the risk of a train passing at red signal. Excessive speed, which is the cause of many train accidents, also becomes virtually impossible. Both the train and the infrastructure must be equipped with ETCS. Infrabel has an ETCS Masterplan, which aims to deploy ETCS on the entire railway network. The ambition is that every trains in Belgium will only run with ETCS by the end of 2025. The Masterplan indicates which railway line will be equipped with ETCS and at which level. There are indeed several ETCS levels and Infrabel has chosen to implement a combination of the following levels: ETCS 1 LS (Limited Supervision)The driver's cab of the train receives information about signals and speed limits through waves emitted by fixed beacons installed on the tracks. The driver does not see this information, he relies on the signalisation on the train's route but if he makes a mistake, the system intervenes and brakes the train. ETCS 1 FS (Full Supervision)The driver's cab of the train receives information about signals and speed limits through waves emitted by fixed beacons installed on the tracks. And this information is visible from the driver's seat. ETCS 2 FS (Full Supervision)Information about signals and speed limits is no longer provided by the beacons on the route but by GSM-R masts along the tracks. The train driver can rely only on the information he receives continuously in his driver's cab. ETCS1+2 FS (Full Supervision)The train driver receives signal and speed information in the driver's cab. The information comes either from the beacons or from the GSM-R masts. This system is installed on high-speed lines 3 (to Germany) and 4 (to the Netherlands). TVM-430 (Transmission Voies-Machine) This is a French system implemented only on high-speed line 1 between Lembeek and the French border. The operation is similar to ETCS. The driver's cab picks up a signal transmitted by the tracks, informing the driver of his speed in relation to the authorised speed limit. The federal government and the European Union support the implementation of ETCS on the Belgian railway network by granting subsidies. ETCS level 1 Full Supervision : Deployment on Corridor C (freight axis from the port of Antwerp via Leuven and Namur to Athus) Deployment on line 10 and line 36C/2 Deployment on section Ans-Angleur, line 36/37 ETCS level 2 ETCS niveau 2 Full Supervision : Deployment of a generic design including on the pilot line Deinze - Waregem Deployment on line 12 section Kapellen-Essen Deployment on line 162 section Libramont-Autelbas Deployment on line 59 section Beveren-Berchem Deployment on line 16 section Lier-Aarschot Deployment on line 50A section Bruges - Ghent-Saint-Pierre Deployment on line 35 section Aarschot-Leuven
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