Dataset information
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Arbeidsmarkt, Werk & Opleiding
Dataset description
Labour force survey (EAK) Purpose and short description The labour force sample survey is a survey of private households, conducted throughout the year. It is based on the responses of nearly 123,000 people (respondents) at active age (15 years and older). Its main objective is to divide the population at active age (from 15 years) into three groups (i.e. working persons, unemployed and inactive persons), and to provide descriptive and explanatory data on each of these categories. This survey is also carried out in the other EU Member States and is coordinated by the statistical service of the European Union, EUROSTAT. In Belgium, the EAK is organised by Statbel (General Directorate Statistics Belgium). The aim is to collect comparable information at European level, including on employment and unemployment rates in accordance with the definitions of the International Labour Office (IAB), while collecting and disseminating data that cannot be obtained elsewhere. Examples include employee mobility, motivation for part-time work, the various forms of temporary employment, occupation, education level of the population at professional age, etc. Population Members of private households aged 15 years or more Base of the sample Demographic data from the National Register data collection method and any sample size The information is collected for the first survey through face-to-face interviews. Since 2017, there have been three shorter follow-up surveys that take place via the web or by telephone. Families consisting exclusively of inactive persons over 64 years of age may also be asked by telephone. Every year around 47,000 households are registered in Belgium to participate in this survey. Response The response is + 75 %. Frequency quarterly. Timing publication Results available ± 3 months after the reference period Forms Labour Force Survey 2020 (PDF, 524 Kb) Workforce Survey 2021 (PDF, 1 Mb) Definitions The survey is harmonised at European level. The definitions on employment and unemployment used are those of the International Labour Office (IAB), thus ensuring comparability of results at international level. Persons with a job (working persons) are persons who worked during the reference week ‘for payment’ or with the aim of ‘making profit’ regardless of the duration (even if this was only one hour), or who had a job but were temporarily absent. For example, one may be temporarily absent due to holidays, illness, technical or economic reasons (temporary unemployment),... The working family members are also included among the workers. Since 2021, persons who are temporarily unemployed or inactive for an uninterrupted period of more than three months have been counted and no longer employed. The unemployed are all persons who: (a) had no employment during the reference week, i.e. self-employed or self-employed; (B) were available for work, i.e. for employment or self-employment within two weeks of the reference week; (C) actively sought employment, i.e. during the last four weeks, including the reference week, targeted steps had taken to seek employment or self-employment, or had found employment and would start working within a maximum of three months. Watch out! The IAB unemployment figures are independent of any registration with VDAB, Actiris, FOREM or ADG, as well as receiving a benefit from the RVA, and are therefore not comparable to the administrative unemployment figures. The labour force is composed of the unemployed and the working population. Inactive persons are all persons who are not considered to be persons in employment or unemployed. The employment rate reflects the percentage of people working in a certain age group. The employment rate under the Europe 2020 strategy reflects the employment rate in the 20-64-year-old population. The unemployment rate reflects the proportion of unemployed in the labour force (workers + unemployed) within a certain age group. The activity rate reflects the percentage of labour force (workers + unemployed) in the total population within a given age group. The above indicators (employment rate, unemployment rate and activity rate) are the main indicators for comparing labour market evolution at international level. Metadata Employment, unemployment, labour market.pdf Labour survey (EAK).pdf Methodology surveys Changes in the Labour Force Survey (EAK) in 2021 EAK: The methodological improvements in the Labour Force Survey 2017 (PDF, 98 Kb) EAK: presentation of the survey from 2017 (PDF, 105.77 Kb) EAK: presentation of the survey until 2016 (PDF, 98.44 Kb) Legislation Royal Decree 10 JANUARI 1999 on a labour force sample survey (PDF, 17.26 Kb) Royal Decree amending the Royal Decree of 10 January 1999 on a labour force sample survey (PDF, 17.48 Kb)
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