Dataset information
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Leefmilieu, Economie
Dataset description
Objective and brief description In the environment and economy on the one hand, on the one hand, environmental spending is discussed in more detail, both from companies and from the government, and on the other hand, the environmental sector as an economic sector is discussed. Population of Belgian State Frequency Annually. Results available 2 years after the reference period Breuk in the statistical series from 2018 to the reference year 2017 Statbel considered one company to be equivalent to one legal unit. However, in a globalised economy, this approach did not always ensure that business statistics reflected reality, as companies were increasingly structured into enterprise groups. Considering one enterprise = one legal unit was problematic in describing an economic reality or observing an autonomous economic player in its decisions and trading on the market. In order to remedy this problem, which many European countries are facing, the European Statistical Network (ESSnet) proposed a more precise definition of the company: A statistical unit for enterprises is a market-oriented organisational unit with a sufficient degree of autonomy in decision-making. A company carries out one or more activities in one or more locations. Significant statistical data may be collected at the level of this unit. The undertaking may correspond to one legal unit (not controlled by any other legal entity), with an enterprise group as a group of legal units under joint control or with an independent part of an enterprise group. Statbel has decided to apply this new definition from the reference year 2018, leading to a break in the statistical series. Definitions of economic activity (NACE-BEL): Official nomenclature with an ‘X’ at the end of the number as the information is only 4 positions. Index for sustainable economic prosperity: The ISEW is an adjusted Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which better reflects the real economic prosperity experienced by the people. Normal GDP does not take into account the contribution of unpaid labour, in particular domestic labour, or the production of goods and services by the government. Therefore, household spending, as normally included in the calculation of GDP, is accompanied by an estimate of the value of household labour and the value of public services. On the other hand, “defensive” spending, such as the fight against income insecurity, does not really increase prosperity, but only preserves it. That expenditure is therefore deducted. Finally, GDP does not take into account income inequality. This is also corrected by the ISEW: as income inequality increases, people’s real economic prosperity decreases. In addition, GDP is blind to long-term economic consequences: economic growth can be at the expense of environmental capital passed on to future generations. The ISEW corrects this deviation by deducting the depreciation of natural capital. Establishment of enterprises in the environmental sector: NACE rev 1: 2003-2007 (Nace= 14.50+ 23.30+ 24.15+ 37+ 51.57+ 90) For 2008-2011, the following Nace Rev. 2 are used 37 + 38 + 39 + 46.77: Creations of companies liable for VAT Deployment of enterprises in the environmental sector; NACE rev 1: 2003-2007 (Nace= 14.50+ 23.30+ 24.15+ 37+ 51.57+ 90) For 2008-2011, the following Nace Rev. 2 are used 37 + 38 + 39 + 46.77: Removals of undertakings subject to VAT Active enterprises in the environmental sector: NACE rev 1: 2003-2007 (Nace= 14.50+ 23.30+ 24.15+ 37+ 51.57+ 90) For 2008-2011, the following Nace Rev. 2 are used 37 + 38 + 39 + 46.77: Active VAT taxable persons (at 31 December) Number of persons employed in the environmental sector: NACE rev 1: 2003-2007 (Nace= 14.50+ 23.30+ 24.15+ 37+ 51.57+ 90) For 2008-2011, the following Nace Rev. 2 are used 37 + 38 + 39 + 46.77: Number of persons employed Public expenditure on environmental protection, according to state status: Federal Government Communities and Regions Lower governments Consolidated total Public expenditure on environmental protection, according to type of expenditure: Investments (Investments (gross) + acquisitions and sales of non-produced non-financial assets.) Consolidated capital transfers Remuneration of employees Subsidies (Total of expenditure by federal government, regions and communities) Total expenditure on environmental protection by industry, by type of expenditure (investment, current expenditure) and by environmental domain (air, water, waste): Overall total investment and current expenditure by industry (excluding enterprises with 0 employees (e.g. self-employed)). Environmental sector (eco-enterprises): Turnover, total purchases of goods and services, gross investment in common goods and number of persons employed. Metadata Environmental expenditure of enterprises.pdf Survey on the structure of enterprises.pdf
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