future tree

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.02.18 00:00
Available languages
toekomstboom, wortels, groeninventaris, groen, boom, bomen, ondergrondse ruimte
Quality scoring

Dataset description

GROENINVENTARIS_TOEKOMSTBOOM City Management/Green and Cemeteries Summary A future tree is a tree in a street or in a square for which the necessary facilities have been made and related investments have been made to make it grow large and old and to keep it as long as possible.This layer of data is a derivative of (selection from) the layer of Green Inventory_Boom where the tree is a real future tree or a candidate for future tree. Goal Translate the principle of future trees into a geographical database containing all future trees, candidate future trees and search zones on the public domain of the city of Antwerp. Keep this information up to date and unlock. Preserve future trees and improve or expand the pitch according to the standards included in the definition of future trees, or according to the needs of the Future Tree. Provide effective protection for future trees by labeling them. Further description, standards and methods related to planting and protecting future trees can be found in the Tree Plan (addendum future trees). Basics Map layer created from one-off large-scale measurement (e.g. by mobile mapping) and supplemented with terrestrial measurements. Update of the data is done by processing as-built plans. This data is kept daily and is always up to date. Insertion and control of the attributes (tree type, pedigree) is carried out by the site managers of SB/GB. &Creation Date: 2018-03-26T00:00:00 &Publication date: 2018-05-01T00:00:00  Update frequency: daily & Management: Joke Van De Maele &Contact: [email protected]
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