Ground Mechanical Map 15.3.4 Antwerp-North Castle, Plate VI: Thickness of the Scaldisin a Sand Complex (vector)

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Dataset information

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Boring, Vlaanderen, Databank Ondergrond Vlaanderen, GMK, Grondmechanica, Grondmechanische kaart 15.3.4 Antwerpen-Noordkasteel, Plaat VI: Dikte van het Scaldisiaan a zandkomplex, Geologie, Ondergrond, Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken, DOV
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Dataset description

The ground mechanical maps were drawn up by the Centre for Ground Mechanical Kartering of Ghent University and the Working Group of Commission for Ground Mechanical Kartering (different authors) and published under the auspices of the National Institute for Ground Mechanics. Quote from the explanatory texts in the ground mechanical maps: The ground-mechanical maps respond to a need for a summary representation of the geological environment components that play a role in the use of land and influence the design, construction and maintenance of construction works. However, no absolute accuracy should be attributed to the data provided because of the interpolations made when they were drawn up. The maps provide information on the general geological and ground-mechanical condition of the subsurface as it can be derived from the tests available at the time of mapping. They are therefore only guiding documents and the authors cannot be held responsible for their possible uses. Under no circumstances can the ground mechanical maps exempt the user from performing additional tests in function of well-defined projects." The Ground Mechanical Map 15.3.4 Antwerp-Noordcastle, Plate VI: Thickness of the Scaldisin a sand-complex, scale 1:5000. Explanatory text Ground mechanical map 15.3.4 Antwerp-North castle (Ph. Van Burm and J. Maertens led by E. De Beer and W. De Breuck.
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