H3O-De Kempen

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Dataset information

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DOV, DE Kempen, H3O, Ondergrond, Boring, Hydrogeologie, Geologie, Databank Ondergrond Vlaanderen, Geologisch en hydrogeologisch 3D model van het Cenozoïcum van de Belgisch-Nederlandse grensstreek van Midden-Brabant / De Kempen
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Dataset description

H3O — De Kempen is a (hydro)geological 3-dimensional model of the subsurface of the Belgian-Dutch border region of Central Brabant/De Kempen. The cross-border nature of modelling is central. In addition, the Cenozoic (Quartaire, Neogene and Paleogene) deposits in the Belgian-Dutch border region of Central Brabant/De Kempen The H3O project led to one geological and one hydrogeological model of the Cenozoic. Both in these models and between these rupture surfaces, no connection problems occur along the Belgian-Dutch border of the project area. In addition, a correlation between Belgian and Dutch lithostratigraphic units was carried out for the (hydro) geological modelling of the subsurface. Due to these correlations, the geological and hydrogeological interpretations and models form a consistent whole. The project area connects in the southeast with that of the first project H3O — Roerdalslenk. The results of H3O-Roerdalslenk were delivered in both the Dutch and the Belgian coordinate system and reference level. For Flanders, this is the reference system Belge Lambert 1972 and TAW (Second General Waterpassing) and for the Netherlands in RD and NAP (Nieuw Amsterdams Peil). The H3O-Roerdalslenk project was launched in 2012 and published in July 2014. This study was carried out by TNO, Geological Service Netherlands and VITO in collaboration with the Belgian Geological Service.
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