HCOV_0220, base of the Clay-sand complex of the Kempen

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Dataset information

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HCOV, Databank Ondergrond Vlaanderen, Vlaanderen, DOV, VMM, geologie, Kempens Aquifersysteem, 0200, Ondergrond
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Dataset description

Flanders is made up of a variety of aquifers (sand, gravel, chalk, solid rock,...) and regionally occurring non-aquifers (e.g. clay). The sequence of these aquifers and aquitards has its own coding in Flanders: the Hydrogeological Coding of the Underground of Flanders (HCOV coding). The HCOV coding is made up of hydrogeological main, sub- and basic units. The main unit groups a sequence of geological layers that have the same hydrogeological properties and thus form one whole. HCOV_0200 (Kempens Aquifer System) is formed by all tertiary and quartary deposits above the tree clay layer. Geographically, these layers are mainly found in the Kempen basin. This is the zone northeast of the dayzoming of the Formation of Boom. This hydrogeological zone consists mainly of a sequence of various tertiary and quartary sands, interspersed with or not important local clay layers. The dataset “HCOV_0220, base of the Clay sand complex of the Kempen” shows in a grid per grid the height value (in m TAW) of the lower limit of this hydrogeological layer. The sub-unit “HCOV_0220 — Clay sand complex of the Kempen” consists of alternating sand and clay layers belonging to the quartary formation of the Kempen.
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