Heat cards

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2021.12.16 00:00
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Dataset description

Download: https://s3-ant1.antwerpen.be/prd-open-data-datatank/raster/Hittekaart_dag.zip Heat CardsSW/EMA The urban heat island effect (SHE) occurs when a temperature difference occurs between city and surrounding countryside and is mainly due to the built and paved environment. The SHE is the largest at night, and is especially felt during the summer months. The most well-known consequence of this effect is the “heat stress” or the “feeling of discomfort” at warm temperatures. During heat waves and especially at night, heat stress can lead to health problems and even mortality, especially in sick, young (-4y) and older (+ 65) populations. Other consequences of the SHE are the failure of infrastructure, machinery, reduction of labour productivity, reduced lifespan of materials...The factors behind this radiation temperature map and thus affecting the SHE are: shadow effects, evaporation, wind effects and heat storage and radiation from buildings and materials. So far, there are no concrete objectives or regulations regarding the SHE. However, possible measures that can dampen the SHE include: create maximum shade trap, minimal pavement, natural ventilation corridors, open water features, green decoration and trees in the public domain, green roofs, green facades, light materials for buildings and the public domain and reducing the “sky-view factor” or “building inclusion” of the public domain in order to avoid the indirect radiation of materials. The city of Antwerp first mapped the SHE to develop a prevention and communication policy for its residents, businesses and visitors and to implement policies to increase the liveability of the city. Secondly, this research is part of the design of the Antwerp Adaptation Strategy, which systematically maps the challenges of the city to climate change. The same study found that the SHE will increase as a result of global warming.
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