ICT use in households

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Dataset description

Purpose and brief description The purpose of data collection in households and individuals is to produce international comparable statistics of national indicators around the digital divide. The survey is also subsidised by Eurostat, the European Statistical Office. The survey on ICT use in households and individuals is linked to the Labour Force Survey as an ad hoc module ‘ICT and Internet’. An arbitrarily identified person in the household answers all questions, both from the section on the situation in the household and from the part about the situation of the person in question. Data collection method and possible sample size data collection method For the ICT survey in households and individuals, there have been two methods of data collection since 2009: via a web application, and via a paper form. After conducting the EAK survey, the surveyor will decide on the basis of birthdays which family member should answer the questions about ICT use. The surveyor issues a paper form with return cover and a document with instructions and access codes for the web application. Two to three weeks after the surveyor’s visit, households who have not yet replied have received a reminder letter. For 2009, the surveyor questioned households orally following the EAK survey. Sampling The sample of the ICT survey in households and individuals is linked to the EAK survey. All households participating in the EAK surveys are invited to answer questions on ICT use. Response The response for the ICT survey is 67 % compared to the households that participated in the EAK survey. Compared to the initial gross sample, the response shall be 45 %. Frequency The ICT survey is organised every year. Timing publication The data should be forwarded to Eurostat by the beginning of October. Results are available to the public at the end of the year. Questionnaire Metadata ICT and Internet usage in households and individuals.pdf
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