impulse euro urban2

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.02.18 00:00
Available languages
grenzen, planning, impulsgebied, fondsen, ruimtelijk, vespa, urban, stadsontwikkeling
Quality scoring

Dataset description

IMPULS_EURO_URBAN2 City Development/Ruime Summary: Urban 2 is the successor to Urban 1 and has launched a specific European Community Urban Structural Fund initiative in the context of the sustainable urban development of problem neighbourhoods within the European Union. The project ran from 2000 to 2006 and was financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). On the one hand, Urban 2 focuses on promoting the development and application of innovative development models for the social and economic regeneration of problem neighbourhoods. More concretely, Urban 2 co-financing is possible for projects that: improving living conditions (building block renovation, green creation,...); create jobs in the fields of environment, culture and/or public services; provide for the integration of disadvantaged groups through training and training; want to develop environmentally friendly public transport systems; develop efficient energy management systems and use renewable energy; use information technologies. Urban 2 is a regionally defined programme. The initiative also aims to strengthen the exchange of information and experience on this subject within the European Union. Source:, AG Vespa. Purpose: Visualisation and demarcation of the Urban 2 area for the city of Antwerp. Production: The URBAN II grant programme for the city of Antwerp has only an area-oriented component: it only covers the district of Hoboken, the Kiel and the Scheldeboord. Within this area-based framework, three substantive measures were defined: economics and employment, environment, mobility.In addition, two investment zones were chosen by a college decision of 8 February 2002: zone petroleum installations South and surroundings;zone Sint-Bernardsesteenweg — Abdijstraat — Tir. &Creation Date: 2001-11-15T00:00:00  Update frequency: not planned & Management: Heidi Vandenbroecke &Contact: [email protected]
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