Available languages
dMOW, verkeer, RSS, informatie, mobiliteit, real-time verkeersinformatie, DVM, Verkeersborden, Rijstrooksignalisatie, Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken, Agentschap Wegen en Verkeer, MOW, verkeerscentrum, AWV, Dynamisch Verkeersmanagement, autosnelwegen, Snelheidsbord, snelheden, Dynamische borden
# Lane Signalisation (RSS) control data (dynamic speed limits).
— This data comes from the system for the control of lane signs on the motorways in the Flemish region.
— Those responsible for this data are the [Agency of Roads and Traffic (AWV)](http://www.wegenenverkeer.be) and the [Flemish Traffic Centre (VVC)]( http://www.verkeerscentrum.be).
— The data indicate the location of the signs, the requested messages from the system to the signs, and the messages and states of the signs attached.
— This data is updated every 2 to 3 seconds.
— Plans for a DatexII version of this data have been suspended.
— Feedback and suggestions: [
[email protected]](mailto:
[email protected]?subject=Feedback OPENDATA.RSS) with reference OPENDATA.RSS
— Availability and liability: see Article 8 of the licence.
— Unavailability of the dataset can be reported to [
[email protected]](mailto:
[email protected]?subject=Melding OPENDATA.RSS &
[email protected]) with reference OPENDATA.RSS
# Dynamic speed limit and lane indicator signs (RSS) traffic management data.
— The data is provided by the traffic management system for managing the dynamic speed limit and lane indicator signs, mainly on highways in Flanders.
— The data controllers are [Agency Roads and Traffic (Roads and Traffic Agency)](http://www.wegenenverkeer.be) and [Flemish Traffic Centre](http://www.verkeerscentrum.be).
— The data represent the messages requested by the management system, and the locations, confirmed messages, and the technical status of the signs.
— The data is updated every 2 to 3 seconds.
— Plans for a DatexII version of this data are on hold.
— Feedback and suggestions: [
[email protected]](mailto:
[email protected]?subject=Feedback OPENDATA.RSS), reference: OPENDATA.RSS
— Availability and liability: see Article 8 of the license.
— Unavailability of this dataset can be notified to [
[email protected]](mailto:
[email protected]?subject=Melding OPENDATA.RSS &
[email protected]) (English only), reference: OPENDATA.RSS