Mira road traffic noise map, Condition 2016

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2017.12.01 00:00
Available languages
MIRA, wegverkeer, geluidsbelasting, milieu, geluid, geluidsindicator, milieu-indicator
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Area-covering noise map caused by road traffic, for the year 2016. The calculation of noise levels takes into account the road surface (based on AWV road database, 2005) and the location of noise barriers (measured position and newly built screens that have not yet been measured). Buildings and relief (e.g. height of the road from the ground level) have not been charged. The maximum values at short distance from the roads are limited to the sound level at 10 m from the centre of the road. The noise levels have been calculated on the basis of the ISO9613-2 Directive. This dataset includes 4 entities representing noise levels for 4 noise indicators (Lden, Lday, Leve, Lnight). — Lden (English: Level day-evening-night) is a European measure to express the noise from environmental noise over a whole day. As of 2004 (implementation of the European Environmental Noise Directive), the use of the Lden became compulsory in all European countries. — Lday is the average daily noise level (*LAeq (7-19 hours)) established over one year. This noise indicator is associated with the nuisance during the day period. — Live is the average noise level for the evening (*LAeq (19-23 hours)), as determined over a year. This indicator is associated with the noise pollution during the evening period. — Lnight is the annual average noise level for the night (*LAeq (23-7 hours)). This indicator is associated with a disturbance of sleep due to noise pollution. *Laeq stands for the average sound level measured over a certain time
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