Nature Guidance Plans

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
OpenbareMetadata, Natuurrichtplannen, natuur en bos, natuur, natuurrichtplannen, landgebruik
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The Nature Direction Plan (NRP) is an area-specific plan drawn up on the basis of the Nature Decree for areas in the Flemish Ecological Network, the Graduated and Supporting Network, the Special Protection Zones and the Ramsar Areas. The nature guidance plan sets out what is intended for a specific area in terms of nature conservation. To this end, a nature conservation plan shall include in particular: an area vision that reflects the target picture for nature and the natural environment; a description of the guiding, incentive and binding nature conservation measures necessary to achieve the area vision; a list of the tools needed to achieve the area vision. The following nature conservation plans were established by ministerial decree: Downhill streams (MB 14 July 2008), Demervallei between Diest and Aarschot (MB 5 February 2008), Hoge Kempen (MB 12 November 2008), The Dender Valley between the regional border and Ninove, as well as the Raspaillebos complex and Geitebos (MB 14 May 2009), Dunes of the Middle Coast between Ostend and Blankenberge (MB 17 December 2007), The Hoppeland of Poperinge and the Southern Iron Plain (MB 16 April 2008). The data layer only publishes the perimeters within which the respective NRPs are valid. For the specific content of the NRPs, reference is made to the documents published on the website of the Agency for Nature and Forests and referred to in the dates.
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