Non-tax revenue: FPS Finance and Public Debt

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.04.01 00:00
Available languages
niet-fiscale ontvangsten, Recettes non fiscales , Rijksschuld, dette publique
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Dataset description

In this table you will find an overview of the non-tax revenues collected by the FPS Finance, as set out in Chapters 18 (Finance FSP) and 51 (Public Debt) of the Federal Ways and Means budget. Current revenues are distinguished from capital revenues. As far as they are available, the amounts (in thousands of euros) are presented both in cash optics (RC) and in established entitlements (CD). The complete list contains the detailed revenue and subtotals for Ways and Means (RM), assigned revenue (Af) and total revenue (data_NL_FR). The other tabs zooly on the totals (view) or on a more detailed selection (detail). Notes: Other FPS also receive non-tax revenues, but these are not included here. For public debt (S51) only established entitlements (OCs) for 2020 and 2021. The following abbreviations are used: Section: classification by Ways and Means: S18: SPF Finance (Chapter 18 Ways and Means) S51: Public Debt (Chapter 51 Ways and Means) L: TITLE I — CURRENT REVENUE L1: Current § 1. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION OF THE TRESORRY L2: Current § 2. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION OF COLLECTION AND RECOVERY L3: Current § 3. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION OF HERITAGE DOCUMENTATION L4: Current § 4. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION OF CUSTOMS AND EXCISE L5: Current § 5. PERSONAL MANAGEMENT AND ORGANISATION SERVICE L6: Current § 6. VARIOUS K: TITLE II — CAPITAL REVENUE K1: Capital § 1. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION OF THE K2 TREASURY: Capital § 2. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION OF COLLECTION AND RECOVERY K3: Capital § 3. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION OF HERITAGE DOCUMENTATION K4: Capital § 4. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION OF CUSTOMS AND EXCISE K5: Capital § 5. PERSONAL MANAGEMENT AND ORGANISATION SERVICE LK: total current and retail capital revenues: detailed recipes Af: Assigned revenue RM: Ways and means tot: Total revenue DC: Established entitlements RC: Body optics Art_N: Article Number Ways and Means (new classification) ART_Old: Article Number Ways and Means (former classification) NL: Description in Dutch
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