Walloon general practitioners have been listed by a cadastre. All general practitioners, regardless of their age, whose INAMI approval number ends in 003 or 004 and who declare that they practice general medicine in Walloon territory (active general practitioners) are included in the data in this cadastre.
Physicians who have a mixed practice (e.g. classical general medicine and preventive medicine) are included in proportion to the half-day practice of classical general medicine.
Are not included in this cadastre: (1) General practitioners in training (2) Pensioned or delisted general practitioners (3) A full-time physician who performs any medical activity other than conventional general medicine (nutrition, acupuncture, homeopathy, dietetics, sports medicine, occupational medicine, preventive medicine, school medicine, ONE doctors, activity at the Red Cross, nursing home coordinators, penitentiary doctors, etc.) (4) General practitioners practising in hospitals (5) Physicians who were absent from work during the year in question.
From the cadastre of general practitioners, it is possible to calculate indicators of the supply of care such as the number of inhabitants per doctor equivalent time-full.
For German-speaking municipalities, the indicator reports the number of general practitioners (person, not the full-time equivalent).
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