Number of Unoccupied Job Seekers (IDS): 50-64 years old

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.03.02 00:00
Available languages
Chômage, Marché du travail, Par sexe, Par âge
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The International Labour Office (ILO) refers to persons over a specified age who, during a reference period, were: (a) no work, (b) available to work,(c) looking for work. There are currently two main methods used around the world to measure unemployment: the inclusion of unemployed persons declared to the labour administration and the survey at regular intervals with representative samples of the population (in all the countries of the European Union, this is the labour force survey). At the administrative level, there are two sources of unemployment data in Belgium. On the one hand, the ONEM which accounts for the unemployed on the basis of the payment of unemployment benefits and on the other hand, the placement agencies (FOREM, ADG, Vdab and Actiris) count the unemployed on the basis of registrations as job seekers. It is this second source that provides the administrative statistics closest to the ILO recommendations: the number of unoccupied jobseekers registered (DEI). The indicator shows the number of Walloon IEDs (unoccupied job seekers enrolled in FOREM or ADG), as an annual average. Note: for secondary indicators by age, the age groups of German-speaking municipalities are defined a little differently: less than 25 years, 25-49 years, 50 years and older. However, since the number of IEDs under the age of 18 or over 64 is excessively low, comparisons remain possible. See also: — Monthly data of “[\2](\1)” — Monthly data for “[\2](\1)”.
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