Operating parks OSLO, Condition 25/02/2022

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.02.25 00:00
Available languages
ondernemen, economie, bedrijf, bedrijven, bedrijventerreinen
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The dataset contains the following elements: Business park: These are the intended areas as they actually exist. The basis of these contours is the most recent digital land-use plans with economic destination, extended with the actual contours of utility parcels that connect to the site in one block and are therefore part of the business area as in reality known. Business site plot: Overview of use parcels within an industrial site for which information on building, function, use and availability is collected and, if known, supplemented by information on bottlenecks (restrictions). Use parcels means the visually perceptible (built or uncultivated) plot, which may consist of a part or several cadastral parcels. Commercial land parcel offer: Plots offered for sale or for rent. Contains a reference to the user parcel, the offering organisation and the website where the plot is offered. Registered organisation: a table containing the data of all organisations that act as a provider of a business site or as a developer or manager of a business site. Developing business zone: dedicated areas with an ongoing development or (sub)areas that have not (yet) been developed. Managed business zone: A (part of) an industrial site on which a form of management is present. This can be a point of contact, digital management or legal management. Economic-destination planning area (business area under planning): overview of future economic zones or conversion of existing zones into a non-economic destination from draft (re)use plans of a public nature. They are plans at the stage where the date of the plenary is known or of which the plenary has already taken place. VLAIO is the authentic geographical data source for the layers of industrial park and industrial estate parcel.
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