Renewable Energy Atlas Flanders — Additional potential energy production from deep geothermal energy — technical scenario

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OpenbareMetadata, MercatorNet, biomassa, hernieuwbaar, Hernieuwbare Energieatlas Vlaanderen - Bijkomende potentiële energieproductie vanuit diepe geothermie - technisch scenario, productie, Energieatlas
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Dataset description

This map layer is part of the Renewable Energy Atlas Flanders. “In this technical scenario, the theoretical, technical maximum is estimated with respect to the additional production potential for deep geothermal energy (> 500 m depth).This defines the available space within which the technology can be used to produce energy. This demarcation is achieved through a combination of positive and negative spatial conditions. In the resulting suitable area, the maximum of deep geothermal plants is then placed, given that they must be at least 3 km away from each other. For the estimation of production, we base ourselves on the study “ERDF study Geothermal energy: spatial implantation analyses” (Vranckx et al., 2015, VITO) in which an estimate was made of the potential of deep geothermal energy in Flanders based on the temperature of the top of the Dinantian layer. For more background information, refer to the report. The results are presented here at the level of the municipalities. The figures per municipality may also be consulted in the attached table.’
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