Dataset information
Available languages
Arbeidsmarkt, Werk & Opleiding
Dataset description
Labour force survey (EAK) Purpose and short description The labour force survey (EAK) is a socio-economic survey of households. Its main objective is to divide the population at active age (from 15 years) into three groups (i.e. working persons, unemployed and inactive persons), and to provide descriptive and explanatory data on each of these categories. This survey is also carried out in the other EU Member States and is coordinated by the statistical service of the European Union, EUROSTAT. In Belgium, the EAK is organised by Statbel. The aim is to collect comparable information at European level, including on employment and unemployment rates in accordance with the definitions of the International Labour Office (IAB), while collecting and disseminating data that cannot be obtained elsewhere. Examples include employee mobility, motivation for part-time work, the various forms of temporary employment, occupation, education level of the population at professional age, etc Population Members of private households aged 15 or more Base of the sample Demographic data collection method of the national register and any sample size The information is collected for the first survey through face-to-face interviews. Since 2017, there have been three shorter follow-up surveys that take place via the web or by telephone. Families consisting exclusively of inactive persons over 64 years of age may also be asked by telephone. Every year around 47,000 households are registered in Belgium to participate in this survey. Response The response is + 75 %. Frequency quarterly. Timing publication Results available ± 3 months after the reference period Forms Survey by Workforce (PDF, 594.86 Kb) Definitions Persons in employment (IAB): Persons in employment are all persons aged 15 years and over who worked at least one hour during the reference week for wages or salaries or for profit, or who had a job but were temporarily absent. This includes the assisting family members. The persons in employment are divided into three groups according to their professional situation: Wage earners: Employed persons are all persons aged 15 years or over who worked at least one hour (with or without formal contract) during the reference week for wages or salaries, or who were temporarily absent at work (for reasons of illness, maternity leave, leave, social conflict, weather conditions or other reasons) and who have a formal link with their jobs. Non-wage earners: Non-wage earners are all persons who are not employed by an employer and who worked at least one hour during the reference week for profit or who were temporarily absent during the reference week. This includes the self-employed (without staff) and employers (with staff) and the unpaid helpers. Metadata Employment, unemployment, labour market.pdf Labour survey (EAK).pdf Methodology surveys EAK: presentation of the survey from 2017 (PDF, 105.77 Kb) EAK: presentation of the survey until 2016 (PDF, 98.44 Kb) Legislation Royal Decree 10 JANUARI 1999 on a labour force sample survey (PDF, 17.26 Kb) Royal Decree amending the Royal Decree of 10 January 1999 on a labour force sample survey (PDF, 17.48 Kb)
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