Self-employed entrepreneurs

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Dataset description

Methodological explanation The National Institute for the Social Insurance of the Self-employed (RSVZ) publishes the number of active individual self-employed persons. They are divided into eight categories according to the nature of the activity in conjunction with the status of self-employed person. By the end of 2019 there were a total of 1.145.015. The Crossroads Bank of Social Security (KSZ) provides Statbel with the lists of the same individual self-employed persons with their ID-Demo for the 4 quarters of a year. Statbel uses Q4 of each year. By the end of 2019, there were a total of 1.137,088 or 99 % coverage compared to Inasti. In the CBO function list, the positions 00001 (founder of natural person), 10002 (driver) and 10006 (business manager) are selected who have not been discontinued at the end of a year. The KBO function list contains an ID-Demo per function. So the same ID-Demo can have functions in multiple CBO numbers. Since the coverage rate for self-employed workers (91 %) is much higher than for helpers (29 %), only self-employed non-helpers are retained for this statistics. Finally, all active CBO functions that match a KSZ-active ID-Demo are taken for these categories. This results in a total of 1,433.477 active KBO functions for Q4/2019. The ID-Demos add (via the KSZ) the categories, in addition to the sex of the self-employed and the year of birth. In addition to the region, the CBO functions also add the company’s Nace section. In turn, the year of birth allows the self-employed to be placed in age groups (age). In summary: Statistics show the number of active CBO functions that can be linked to a KSZ-active ID-Demo at the end of a year. The KSZ-active ID-Demos are limited to the categories of self-employed non-helpers. The combination allows us to divide the KSZ-active self-employed with one or more active CBO positions by gender, age group, region and/or Nace section.
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