Severe material and social deprivation (i03)

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Dataset description

Definition: a person is severely materially and socially deprived if she or he cannot afford 7 of 13 material possessions or social actions for financial reasons. These material possessions or social actions are being able to make payments on time, taking a week's holiday away from home every year, eating meat, chicken or fish at least once every two days, having an unexpected expense, being able to afford one's own car, heating the home properly, replacing damaged or worn-out furniture, replacing worn-out clothing with new clothing, having two pairs of shoes in good condition (one of which must be a closed pair), having access to Internet at home, meeting friends or family for a meal or a drink at least once a month, regularly participating in leisure activities such as sports, films, concerts, etc. and finally spending a sum of money each week for personal needs (Federal Public Service Social Security, 2018; Statistical Commission, 2018). and finally spend a weekly amount for personal needs (Federal Public Service Social Security, 2018; Statbel, 2021b; European Commission, 2022).
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