Share of children with an orphan package (Article 50a)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.05.06 00:00
Available languages
Allocations familiales, Niveaux et conditions de vie, famille, revenu
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Family allowances represent the monthly amount granted to any employed or equivalent worker with at least one dependent child. The amount of family allowances varies according to the status of the child in the household, his or her age, his or her family situation and the scheme in which he or she is located. There are two family benefit schemes: the general scheme and that of guaranteed family benefits (PFG). The guaranteed family benefits scheme is a special scheme reserved for children of families without financial resources. In this statistic, all children in the household who receive family allowances under one of these two schemes are included. Children are entitled, depending on their own situation and that of their parents, to a basic family allowance (or ordinary rate or orphan child allowance) possibly plus a so-called social supplement. Here, we are interested in situations where the child is entitled to a scheme, a social rate or supplement linked to a situation of greater precariousness. To know — The share of children with guaranteed family benefits (GFP), regardless of the rate (ordinary or increased) — The share of children with an orphan package (Art. 50a), regardless of the scheme (general or PFG) — The share of children with a rate plus a social supplement (unemployed parent over 6 months, pensioner, disabled, sick over 6 months and/or single parent and with an income below a certain ceiling), regardless of the scheme (general or PFG) Each of the situations is precisely defined in the Legal Basis section. — Category of law’ in the “[\2](\1)”. Other useful information is also available on the institutional portal of “[\2](\1)”.
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