Share of households living in public housing SLSP

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.04.29 00:00
Available languages
Logement, Logements publics
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The indicator reports the number of public dwellings owned and leased by one of the Public Service Housing Corporations (PSHCs) to the number of private households in the entity. This indicator makes it possible to estimate the share of households of the entity living in a social type housing. SLSPs rent several types of housing: ‘social’ housing, ‘medium’ housing, ‘integration’ housing, ‘transit’ housing, ‘balance rent’ housing and ‘student’ housing. Access and rental conditions vary from type to type. Note that only dwellings whose SLSPs are owners and managers are counted here. Other public operators (CPAS, municipalities, AIS,...) also rent housing for similar audiences. Note: the numerator therefore does not only take social housing stricto sensu (some dwellings owned and managed by an SLSP are not rented at a social rate) and does not take up all the public housing offer. Some public dwellings are managed by an SLSP but are not owned by one of them (e.g. housing owned by a municipality but managed by an SLSP), other social housing is owned by an SLSP but is not managed by one of them (e.g. housing owned by an SLSP but whose rental management is delegated to a CPAS), other social housing still has no connection with an SLSP (e.g. housing owned by a CPAS and managed by it). SLSPs occupy a very important place among public housing owners and managers. The fact of having for these dwellings, both the status (rented, non-rented, non-rentable) and the type of housing (house, apartment...) allows us to calculate a series of indicators characterising the occupancy of public housing in Wallonia. The denominator is the number of private households based on data from the National Register. Series Breakdown: Following a transfer of housing competence to the German-speaking Community, housing in its territory is not included in SWL statistics at 1/1/2021 and will no longer be included in future. This implies a decrease in numbers and proportions on aggregates including the 9 German-speaking municipalities.
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