Share of owner-occupied dwellings

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.04.11 00:00
Available languages
Logement, Census 2011 Logement - Type d’occupant
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The housing indicators from the 2011 Census are constructed from the cross-section of several databases (the national register, the previous census carried out by survey of the whole population in 2001, the cadastre, etc.). The dwellings were classified as follows: 1. Collective housing 2. Non-classical accommodation (e.g. barracks, caravans, mills...) 3. Empty classic housing (this group includes all classic dwellings where no one is domiciled, which corresponds to very different realities: temporarily unoccupied housing, housing under construction, abandoned housing, second residence, housing occupied by people who do not live there as students, etc.) 4. Conventional housing occupied by its owner (as soon as one of the inhabitants has a right to property over the dwelling, even partial or indirect (i.e. through a company of which he is a director), the dwelling is considered to be occupied by its owner. 5. Conventional housing occupied by a tenant and owned by a social housing company (the latter are identified by the NACE code of the crossroads bank of enterprises, more specifically by the presence of the code “68.202 Rental and operation of social housing”). 6. Classic housing occupied by a tenant and of which the owner is another public corporation (the latter are identified by the NACE code of the crossroads bank of enterprises, more specifically by the presence of code O “Public Administration” or P “Education”) 7. Classic housing occupied by a tenant and of which the owner is an individual 8. Classic housing occupied by a tenant and of which the owner is a private company 9. Classic occupied housing with unknown occupancy status It should be noted that tenant households are identified by the fact that no inhabitant has a right to property over housing. Thus, in these data, households occupying free housing (e.g. office housing or housing made available by relatives) are included in tenants, but these situations are infrequent. Some thematic indicators are also available by statistical sectors on the website of “[\2](\1)”
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