SRSA 06a polycentric city pg

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Country of origin
2022.02.18 00:00
Available languages
Antwerpen Ontwerpen, structuurplan, ruimtelijke beleidsplannen, sRSA, strategische kaart, RO, Wonen, ruimtelijke planning, ruimtelijk beleid, ruimtelijke ordening, visie, srsa selectiekaarten vector, selectiekaart
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Dataset description

SRSA_06A_POLYCENTRISCHE_STAD_PG City development/Space Summary: The s-RSA presents the future spatial policy of the city of Antwerp. This policy is made up of a generic or city-wide vision and an active or project-based approach. The generic policy can be described as follows: · The generic policy is made up of seven images: water city, eco-city, port city, railway city, porous city, villages and metropolis and megacity. These images together form the collective memory of the city’s inhabitants and visitors. · From a generic approach, strategic policy means setting a number of goals, structured according to the city’s images, which in turn determine strategic selections and measures. These selections form the basis for the selection cards. · The images of the city form the frame of reference that every project relating to Antwerp must take into account. This framework is made up of rules drawn up from each image. Since the generic rules cover the entire territory of the city, the active policy (the spaces, programmes and projects) should also focus on this The image of the “villages and metropolis” is one of the seven images within the s-RSA. This image is divided into a few subimages: police town, heritage, living, working and recreation. The sub-image of villages and metropolis — policentrian, indicates that Antwerp, like many other European cities, has a tradition of different villages in a metropolis and metropolitan functions in villages. Today, the relationship between the villages and the metropolis is evolving. Antwerp is now part of the metropolitan network, creating new relationships between the villages and the metropolis. Thus, on the one hand, the city must be experienced as a collection of neighbourhoods, which can maintain their recognisability, livability and independence, to a certain level. This means that trade, services and employment must be divided between these cores. In this, intertwining is an important concept. On the other hand, the image of Antwerp as a metropolis needs to be redesigned. It is an image of a world city with its economic strength and its cultural importance. For example, the diamond sector, fashion sector, university as a knowledge centre should be strengthened, cultural events should continue to be encouraged and the quality of tourism should be improved. As an objective, a distinction is made between these for the metropolis and these for the villages. The metropolis should preserve cultural heritage, visual and image-supporting buildings; it should renew the urban fabric and develop representative and metropolitan economic functions. The metropolitan area is considered to be all parts of the hard spine (see active policy) The villages should strengthen their centre in order to acquire their own identity and a role in the urban, regional and metropolitan context. The centres are divided into urban and neighbourhood centres. The urban centres are: Hoboken, Wilrijk, Kiel, Gitschote, Fruithof, Deurne Zuid, Deurne Noord, Merksem, Airball, Ekeren, Lillo, Berendrecht, Zandvliet, Left Bank. The neighbourhood centers, in the nineteenth century belt are: St — Jansplein, De Coninckplein, Kerkstraat, Oud Borgerhout, Zurenborg, Oud Berchem, Markgrave Purpose: Visualisation of the selection card 06A_polycentric_city of the SRSA,The delimitations are not hard limits, and one can further specify in the execution process. The selection map is not a zoning plan or land use plan. The card does not confirm or deny building rights Production: The selection maps are the result of the conversion of the seven formatted images of the city into shape format. The autocad maps and the corresponding grids were used as a basis for this. The registration was done with the help of the large-scale basic map of the city of Antwerp. &Creation Date: 2006-09-18T00:00:00 &Publication date: 2006-09-18T00:00:00  Update frequency: not planned & Management: Gert Van Oost &Contact: [email protected]
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