Sterfteatlas bowel cancer men

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
Zorgatlas, Sterfteatlas, Darmkanker
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Standardised number of deaths of colon cancer in men per 100,000 inhabitants, care region sublevel 2, Flanders, period 2003-2012. For this cause of death group colon cancer with ICD-10 codes C18-C21 (Clcer mortality, rectum or anus), an analysis was made for the period 2003-2012. It is the average number of inhabitants in the region over the period 2003-2012. All figures refer only to residents of the Flemish Region. Foreigners and residents of the Walloon Region or the Brussels-Capital Region who died in the Flemish Region are therefore not included. Nor do they appear in the population denominators. Average annual number of deaths in the region for the selected cause of death for the period 2003-2012. This is a direct standardisation and is expressed as “number of deaths per 100 000 people of a standard population”. This method is used in these maps (all mortality atlas) and in comparisons between Flanders and Europe. The legend is structured as follows: the centre of each interval (group boundaries) is 10 % lower than the next group, and 10 % higher than the previous group. Definition of care region sublevel 2: A care region is a geographically defined area. In order to stimulate and organise the cooperation between health and welfare services and to determine the programming, the Flemish Government divides the Flemish Region into care regions, taking into account existing partnerships and their specificities and respecting the provincial boundaries. The Flemish Government also has an eye on the accessibility and accessibility of the health or welfare facilities for the user. There are several hierarchical levels of demarcation. Careregiolayer Sublevel 2 divides the Flemish Region into 111 areas. The Brussels-Capital Region may in certain cases be included as an additional area where the Flemish authorities have competence in the Brussels-Capital Region.
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