Study Railspect 2019

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Dataset information

Country of origin
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Passage à niveau, Overweg, Veiligheid, Campagne de sécurité, Intrusions sur les voies, Spoorlopers, Level Crossing, Safety, Trespassers
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The Railspect survey was carried out at Infrabel's request by GfK among 1,000 Belgians living near a level crossing and/or occasionally travelling by train. In the context of the problems related to punctuality and safety, Infrabel wanted to better understand the social problems of track trespassing and reckless behaviour in the vicinity of the railway domain. 3 Main questions are addressed in the study: Who takes risks on the vicinity of the tracks? What risks do they take exactly? Why do the take these risks? The documents related to this dataset include (available below, French and Dutch only) The presentation of these figures and the national Railspect plan made to the press on 25 March 2019 The Excel document containing all the questions asked in the survey and the response rates by category Presentation of the National Action Plan Railspect With the support of the government, the railway police and Securail, Infrabel launches "Railspect". A national action plan to combat dangerous behaviour on the Belgian railways. This plan provides for several actions based on profiling dangerous behaviour around tracks and level crossings. This profiling was carried out on the basis of a sample of 1000 participants by the GfK panel. The presentation includes the analysis based on the results of the interviews and the planning of the actions planned throughout 2019 About the Excel document This document (available in Dutch only) contains an analysis of the responses to the survey. It includes three spreadsheets: The index gives an overview of all information and questions in the tables BG (Between group) gives the response rates and shows the significant differences within the group (colours) and in relation to the other groups (letters). NoBG gives response rates without highlighting the links between groups and subgroups
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