Dataset information
Available languages
Natura2000, Natuurbescherming; Leefgebieden, Soorten, OpenbareMetadata, Soortenbeschermingsprogramma, SoortenBeschermingsProgramma's
Dataset description
The Species Decision provides for the possibility of drawing up a species protection programme (SBP). Such a programme is drawn up in consultation with the relevant target groups and experts by or on behalf of the Agency for Nature and Forests (ANB) and adopted by the competent minister. It includes a number of measures with the aim of ensuring that a species (or multiple species) are in a favourable state within Flanders. A species protection programme is adopted by the Minister and in principle has a duration of 5 years. Thereafter, it can be continued on the basis of an evaluation, whether or not with the necessary adjustments or, if the species has made sufficient progress towards a favourable state, move to other instruments. Measures included in an SBP are not legally enforceable by third parties, unless it concerns additional specific prohibitions (only possible for species in category 3 of Annex 1, Species Decision) or derogations from the Species Decision. In that case, the SBP shall be determined by the Flemish Government or its authorised representative, following the advice of Minaraad and SALV (Strategic Advisory Council for Agriculture and Fisheries). However, in accordance with the Nature Decree, Art. 16f, the management objectives and measures in a nature management plan must, where appropriate, be in line with species protection programmes, for example, an SBP provides substantive guidance to nature management plans. An SBP can be drawn up for both European species to be protected and for other species important for Flanders. On the basis of a number of criteria, a prioritisation is established for the species for which an SBP should be drawn up. Among other things, account is taken of the red list status and the area needs of species, but also of the need for ecological connections and whether other species can benefit from the protection measures. Species protection programmes have been developed for the species of the Antwerp port, the Beaver, the Smooth snake, the Grauwe kiekendief, the Grauwe clawier, the Hamster, the Hazelmuis, the Heivlinder, the Garlic Path, the Roerdomp, the Vroedmeesterpad, the Kwartelkoning and three fish species (i.e. Beekprik, Rivierdonderpad and Kleine mud crawler). The data itself consists of two separate geographical files: the SBPs for the fish and the SBPs for the other species. The difference between the files is that the first consists of line-shaped elements, the second file consists of flat-shaped elements (polygons). The dates refer to the text version of the approved SBPs and form the contours of the project areas listed therein. These layers are only a tool, e.g. in the context of nature management plans, licensing or advice. For the interpretation of these layers, we refer to the respective SBPs. The stocks offered do not include the project areas of the SBPs for the species of the Antwerp port, the Beaver and the Bats. Currently, 4 SBPs are being drawn up and adopted per year. The stocks are updated when new or termination of current SBPs are established. The dates were updated at the beginning of 2019: the approved data of the SBP Porcelainhoen, Brown Chicken and Tree Frog were added. A year later, the data was supplemented with the data of the SBP of Heikikker, Kamsalamander, poelfrog and Rugstreeppad. In October 2021, the following species protection programmes were added: the Summer Tortel, the Flying Deer, the Great Mud Crawler and Weidevogels with a focus on grutto and tulip. The dates of the last SBP for the Kwartel King have not been offered since that date.
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