European Chemicals Agency Open data in a single API request

European Chemicals Agency datasets available on official portal for European data

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Basic information

What is ECHA?

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is an agency of the European Union that is responsible for protecting human health and the environment from the risks posed by chemicals. ECHA was established in 2006 and has its headquarters in Helsinki, Finland.

What does ECHA do?

ECHA's main responsibilities include:

  • Assessing the risks posed by chemicals
  • Registering chemicals
  • Authorizing the placing of chemicals on the market
  • Restricting the use of chemicals
  • Providing information on chemicals to businesses and the public

The responsibilities of ECHA

ECHA has a number of responsibilities, including:

  • Assessing the risks posed by chemicals: ECHA assesses the risks posed by chemicals to human health and the environment. This includes assessing the toxicity, persistence, and bioaccumulation of chemicals.
  • Registering chemicals: ECHA registers chemicals that are placed on the market in the European Union. This registration process includes collecting information on the properties of the chemical and its risks.
  • Authorizing the placing of chemicals on the market: ECHA authorizes the placing of chemicals on the market in the European Union. This authorization process takes into account the risks posed by the chemical and the benefits it may offer.
  • Restricting the use of chemicals: ECHA can restrict the use of chemicals if they pose unacceptable risks to human health or the environment. This can include prohibiting the use of a chemical in certain products or for certain purposes.
  • Providing information on chemicals to businesses and the public: ECHA provides information on chemicals to businesses and the public. This information includes information on the properties of chemicals, their risks, and the regulations that apply to them.

Headquarters address

ECHA's headquarters are located in Helsinki, Finland.

Date of foundation

ECHA was founded in 2006.

Executive Director

ECHA's current Executive Director is Annika Strandell. She was appointed Executive Director in 2020.

Number of employees

ECHA has around 900 employees. These employees work in a variety of roles, including:

  • Risk assessment
  • Registration
  • Authorization
  • Restriction
  • Information management
  • Communication

What type of data they provide as open data

ECHA provides a variety of data as open data, including:

  • Data on chemicals and their properties
  • Data on the risks posed by chemicals
  • Data on the regulations that apply to chemicals
  • Data on the use of chemicals in products
  • Data on the exposure of humans and the environment to chemicals

Write all the details about the data sets they provide as open data

The data sets that ECHA provides as open data are available on ECHA's open data portal. These data sets include information on:

  • Chemicals and their properties: This data set includes information on the properties of over 100,000 chemicals, such as their molecular structure, physical and chemical properties, and toxicity.
  • Risks posed by chemicals: This data set includes information on the risks posed by over 10,000 chemicals, such as their potential to cause cancer, reproductive harm, or environmental damage.
  • Regulations that apply to chemicals: This data set includes information on the regulations that apply to over 10,000 chemicals, such as those that restrict their use or require them to be labeled.
  • Use of chemicals in products: This data set includes information on the use of over 10,000 chemicals in products, such as cosmetics, food contact materials, and toys.
  • Exposure of humans and the environment to chemicals: This data set includes information on the exposure of humans and the environment to over 10,000 chemicals, such as through air, water, and food.

What is their goal regarding open data?

ECHA's goal regarding open data is to make its data more accessible and reusable for a wide range of users, including researchers, policy makers, businesses, and the general public.

Detailed information


European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)




Helsinki, Finland


Annika Strandell

Number of employees


Open data


Data types

Data on chemicals and their risks

Data sets

Over 100 data sets


To protect human health and the environment from the risks posed by chemicals



Available datasets

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Authorisation list Open Data

ECHA regularly assesses the substances from the Candidate List to determine which ones should be inc

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List of authorised biocidal products Open Data

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Biocidal products: list of active substances and suppliers Open Data

List of relevant substances and suppliers ECHA is required to publish under Article 95(1) of the Bio

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COVID-19 lists of disinfectant active substances and products Open Data

To alleviate the difficulties companies and Member State authorities may be facing during the global

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Information on Candidate List substances in articles Open Data

This information provides examples of articles containing Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) th

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Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern for Authorisation Open Data

<p>Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern for Authorisation published in accordance with

Issued on 2015-07-27

Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern for Authorisation details >

Catalogue of nanomaterials used in cosmetics Open Data

The European Commission published a catalogue of all nanomaterials used in cosmetic products in the

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Community Rolling Action Plan Open Data

The Community rolling action plan (CoRAP) indicates chemical substances for evaluation by the Member

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REACH dossier evaluation decisions Open Data

contains the non-confidential versions of the decisions originating from compliance checks and exami

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EC Inventory Open Data

The EC inventory published below is a copy as received from the JRC in 2008 on the founding of ECHA.

Issued on 2018-06-14

EC Inventory details >

ECHA classification and labelling inventory Open Data

This database contains classification and labelling information on notified and registered substance

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ECHA classification and labelling inventory details >

ECHA recommendation for inclusion in the Autorisation List Open Data

This list includes all substances that have been included in ECHA's draft or final recommendations f

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ECHA Term - multilingual chemical terminology Open Data

The ECHA-term terminology database was conceived as a dynamic database to be updated constantly by e

Issued on 2018-06-14

ECHA Term - multilingual chemical terminology details >

Endocrine disruptor assessment list Open Data

ECHA’s endocrine disruptor (ED) assessment list includes the substances undergoing an ED assessment

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European Product Categorisation System (EuPCS) Open Data

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List of nano-pigments on the EU market Open Data

As part of a study commissioned by the European Union Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON) to invest

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Mammalian toxicokinetic database (MamTKDB) 1.0 Open Data

Elimination half-lives in mammals, including humans, have been proposed as a potential complementary

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PACT – RMOA and hazard assessment activities under REACH Open Data

The Public Activities Coordination Tool (PACT) lists the substances for which a risk management opt

Issued on 2018-06-14

PACT – RMOA and hazard assessment activities under REACH details >

Persistence, bioaccumulation and toxicity assessment list Open Data

The list includes the substances undergoing a PBT/vPvB assessment under the REACH or Biocidal Produc

Issued on

Persistence, bioaccumulation and toxicity assessment list details >

Persistent Organic Pollutants Open Data

The POPs Regulation bans or severely restricts the production and use of persistent organic pollutan

Issued on 2019-07-19

Persistent Organic Pollutants details >

List of pre-registered substances under REACH Open Data

During the six month period from 1 June to 1 December 2008, 143,000 substances were pre-registered

Issued on 2015-07-27

List of pre-registered substances under REACH details >

REACH registration statistics Open Data

This data shows the number of registrations received from the 28 EU Member States and from the Europ

Issued on 2015-07-27

REACH registration statistics details >

Restricted substances by Annex XVII to REACH Regulation Open Data

The list of restrictions contains those substances (on its own, in a mixture or in an article) for w

Issued on 2015-07-27

Restricted substances by Annex XVII to REACH Regulation details >

Search for nanomaterials on the EU market Open Data

Here you can search for nanomaterials that are currently on the EU market. The data is collected fro

Issued on 2019-07-19

Search for nanomaterials on the EU market details >
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