Defence Data 2012

Open data API in a single place

Provided by European Defence Agency

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.01.09 00:00
Available languages
Collaborative Defence Expenditure, Defence Equipment Procurement, European Defence Agency, Defence R and T, Defence R and D, EDA, Deployed Troops, Defence Investment, Defence Expenditure, Defence Operation and Maintenance, Military personnel, EU, Operations Costs
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Defence Data is collected by the European Defence Agency (EDA) on an annual basis. The Ministries of Defence of the Agency’s 27 participating Member States (all EU Member States except Denmark) provide the data. EDA acts as the custodian of the data and publishes the aggregated figures in this booklet. 2012 data does not include Croatia which became the 27th EDA Member State on 1 July 2013. The data are broken down, based on a list of indicators approved by the Agency’s Ministerial Steering Board. This list has four sections, represented in the headings of the booklet: General: macro-economic data to show how defence budgets relate to GDP and overall government spending. Reform: major categories of defence budget spending – personnel; investment, including R and T operation and maintenance and others – to show what defence budgets are spent on. European collaboration: for defence equipment procurement and R and T to show to what extent the Agency’s pMS are investing together. Deployability: military deployed in crisis management operations to show the ratio between deployments and total military personnel. The definitions used for the gathering of the data and some general caveats are listed at the end of the brochure.
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