Special Eurobarometer $meta.survey.reference : Parlemeter 2015

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Provided by European Parliament

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Dataset description

The European Parliament’s Parlemeter 2015 survey was conducted by TNS opinion in the 28 EU Member States between 19 and 29 September 2015. The survey addresses two issues, distributed in two sections. The first section contains information about migration as well as the economic and social situation of Europeans, while the second part focuses in particular on the European Parliament and issues relating to the attachment and belonging to the European Union such as the EU's identity, citizenship, priority policies and values. Europeans continue to see unemployment as the most pressing challenge the EU will have to face in 2015 (with a score of 49%, 6% less than in the June 2013 results), though the issue of immigration has increased its saliency in the agenda (scoring 47% in 2015, i.e. 33% more than in 2013), rising to the second place in the list of challenges. The survey shows that a majority of respondents were interested in EU policies (54%), which is 11 percentage points more than in 2013. #### Processed data Processed data files for the Eurobarometer surveys are published in .xlsx format. + __Volume A "Countries/EU"__ The file contains frequencies and means or other synthetic indicators including elementary bivariate statistics describing distribution patterns of (weighted) replies for each country or territory and for (weighted) EU results. + __Volume AP "Trends"__ The file compares to previous poll in (weighted) frequencies and means (or other synthetic indicators including elementary bivariate statistics describing distribution patterns of replies); shifts for each country or territory foreseen in Volume A and for (weighted) results. + __Volume AA "Groups of countries"__ The file contains (labelled) frequencies and means or other synthetic indicators including elementary bivariate statistics describing distribution patterns of (weighted) replies for groups of countries specified by the managing unit on the part of the EC. + __Volume AAP "Trends of groups of countries"__ The file contains shifts compared to the previous poll in (weighted) frequencies and means (or other synthetic indicators including elementary bivariate statistics describing distribution patterns of replies); shifts for each groups of countries foreseen in Volume AA and for (weighted) results. + __Volume B "EU/socio-demographics"__ The file contains (labelled) frequencies and means or other synthetic indicators including elementary bivariate statistics describing distribution patterns of replies for the EU as a whole (weighted) and cross-tabulated by some 20 sociodemographic, socio-political or other variables, depending on the request from the managing unit on the part of the EC or the managing department of the other contracting authorities. + __Volume BP "Trends of EU/socio-demographics"__ The file contains shifts compared to the previous poll in (weighted) frequencies and means (or other synthetic indicators including elementary bivariate statistics describing distribution patterns of replies); shifts for each country or territory foreseen in Volume B above)and for (weighted) results. + __Volume C "Country/socio-demographics"__ The file contains (labelled) weighted frequencies and means or other synthetic indicators including elementary bivariate statistics describing distribution patterns of replies for each country or territory surveyed separately and cross-tabulated by some 20 socio-demographic, socio-political or other variables (including a regional breakdown). _________________ For SPSS files and questionnaires, please contact GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences: [https://www.gesis.org/eurobarometer](https://www.gesis.org/eurobarometer)
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