FTA - Free trade agreements study - 2016

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Provided by Joint Research Centre

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.03.15 00:00
Available languages
CGE, AGLINK, MAGNET, COSIMO, FTA, EU, trade, economics, free trade agreements, agriculture, agro-economics
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Dataset description

FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS - These interactive factsheet and datasets complements the JRC scientific report "Cumulative economic impact of future trade agreements on EU agriculture", a study carried out by the European Commission (Joint Research Centre, working together with DG AGRI) and consisting in an analysis of potential effects of twelve free trade agreements (FTAs) under the current EU FTA agenda. It sheds some light on relatively balanced cumulated impacts in terms of trade, production and price for the EU agricultural sector as a whole, while quantifying also the market development for specific agricultural sectors. The report was published and presented to the Agriculture Council on 15 November 2016. PLEASE NOTE A NEW VERSION OF THE STUDY WAS ISSUED IN 2021: https://data.jrc.ec.europa.eu/dataset/bbffb5fd-c6b2-4f86-a8cf-70734a11e7b2
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