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Provided by Joint Research Centre

Get early access to INFORM RISK INDEX API!

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.09.01 00:00
Available languages
humanitarian crisis, risk
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The INFORM Risk Index is a composite indicator that identifies countries at risk of humanitarian crisis and disaster that would overwhelm national response capacity. It provides an open, transparent, consensus-based methodology for analysing crisis risk at global, regional or national level. The INFORM Risk Index is based on risk concepts published in scientific literature and envisages three dimensions of risk: Hazards & exposure, Vulnerability, and Lack of coping capacity. The INFORM Risk Index is split into different levels to provide a quick overview of the underlying factors leading to humanitarian risk and builds up the picture of risk by more than 50 core indicators. Any changes in the INFORM Risk methodology are always applied to at least the five previous years of data to preserve the consistency of the trend analysis. The results of INFORM Risk can support decisions about crisis and disaster prevention, preparedness and response, as well as strategies that build resilience. For example, INFORM Risk can be used to: help develop priorities for risk management, preparedness and building resilience; support decisions about resource allocation; and to monitor risk trends over time. INFORM Risk is updated two times an year, in September and March. The INFORM Risk results are always published on the official website: The data are available via API and Excel.
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