PCC slurry; Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC) - slurry, uncoated, with a solid content ranging from 15% to 40% in the slurry, a CaCO3 content of 98% or more, a median particle size ranging typically from 0.3 to 3 µm, ready to be shipped as slurry. Production at plant.; Production at plant; none (Location: RER)

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Provided by Joint Research Centre

Get early access to PCC slurry; Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC) - slurry, uncoated, with a solid content ranging from 15% to 40% in the slurry, a CaCO3 content of 98% or more, a median particle size ranging typically from 0.3 to 3 µm, ready to be shipped as slurry. Production at plant.; Production at plant; none (Location: RER) API!

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2011.01.01 00:00
Available languages
EESAC, Processes, PCC
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Specific data collection and process modelling were performed in accordance with ISO 14040 and 14044 series. Process related data were collected on 14 PCC production sites located in 7 European countries + Norway + Turkey. The data were then consolidated by process stage (horizontal aggregation). The resulting LCI calculation is based on the PCC slurry production process route and corresponds to generic industry screening results. The electricity model used for the project is representative of the average production of the 27 European countries + Norway + Turkey. Other upstream data are based on European averages. For modelling and other upstream processes and materials, the Gabi (PE International) database was used whenever possible and the Ecoinvent 2.2 database as second choice. The Gabi software has been used to generate this ELCD data set for PCC slurry. Synonyms: PCC slurry Technical Purpose: PCC slurry is used as filler in: - filler or coating agent in paper - filler in polymers Geographical Representation: RER
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