Post forest fire recovery monitoring in Acebo, Spain (2020-04-20)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.04.20 00:00
Available languages
Other, Mapping, Risk and Recovery Mapping, Copernicus Emergency Management Service, Copernicus Emergency Management Service Risk and Recovery Mapping Activation, Copernicus Service, ESP, Emergency, Emergency Management, Spain, CEMS, EMSN072, Copernicus, Copernicus EMS
Quality scoring

Dataset description

<br/> Activation date: 2020-04-20 <br/> Event type: Other <br/> <br/> Activation reason: <br/> The current activation addressed the forest fire that took place on 6 August 2015, in the municipality of Acebo, C&aacute;ceres, Spain, and burned approximately 8,160 ha of pine trees and shrub land. It aims to evaluate the recovery of forests in terms of reduced soil erosion and the recovery of the flora.The RRM products calculate and compare the situation just before the event (2014 and&nbsp;2015), after the event (2015 post and 2016), after the restoration activities finished (2016), and annually after that moment (2017, 2018 and 2019).Vegetation recoveryVegetation recovery&nbsp;of the years 2016 and 2019, with respect to the pre-event situation in 2014-2015, was assessed in respect of two variables: spectral recovery and vegetation height.Biodiversity recovery has been assessed by detecting the changes observed between 2015-2019. Results describe the pre-fire conditions, grading the change direction and the current status of the vegetation.Soil loss assessmentThe analysis allowed for an assessment of observed soil loss quantifying the loss of soil after the event, compared with the pre-event conditions.Ground deformationAssessment of ground deformation shows patterns of estimated ground deformation in the area of interest after decomposition into vertical and horizontal (East-West) directions.Erosion susceptibilityErosion susceptibility has been&nbsp;estimated using RUSLE equation per each annuum, by considering several driving factors: topographic indices derived from digital elevation model, rainfall records, soils, presence of rehabilitation measures and vegetation cover.Landslide susceptibilityLandslide susceptibility has been&nbsp;estimated based on NGI model considering&nbsp; several driving factors: topographic indices derived from digital elevation model, rainfall records, lithology and geology, soil moisture and land cover maps from Product 3. <br/> <br/>
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