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OpenDataScienceEurope Metadata catalogue datasets available on official portal for European data

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Basic information

What is the GeoHarmonizer Project Consortium?

The GeoHarmonizer Project Consortium is a group of organizations that are working to harmonize spatial data across Europe. It was established in 2018 and is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program.

What does the GeoHarmonizer Project Consortium do?

The GeoHarmonizer Project Consortium is developing a platform that will allow users to harmonize spatial data from different sources. The platform will provide a number of tools and services to help users:

  • Identify and align different data sets
  • Clean and transform data
  • Publish harmonized data

The responsibilities of the GeoHarmonizer Project Consortium

The GeoHarmonizer Project Consortium is responsible for:

  • Developing the GeoHarmonizer platform
  • Providing training and support to users of the platform
  • Promoting the use of the platform

Headquarters address

The GeoHarmonizer Project Consortium's headquarters are located in Wageningen, Netherlands.

Date of foundation

The GeoHarmonizer Project Consortium was established in 2018.


The coordinator of the GeoHarmonizer Project Consortium is OpenGeoHub. OpenGeoHub is a non-profit organization that provides open geospatial data services.

Number of employees

The GeoHarmonizer Project Consortium has 25 employees. These employees come from all over Europe.

What type of data they provide as open data

The GeoHarmonizer Project Consortium does not provide any data as open data itself. However, the platform that it is developing will allow users to harmonize and publish their own data as open data.

Write all the details about the data sets they provide as open data

The data sets that users can harmonize and publish on the GeoHarmonizer platform can be on a variety of topics, such as land cover, land use, and administrative areas. The data sets must be in a machine-readable format, such as CSV, JSON, or XML.

What is their goal regarding open data?

The GeoHarmonizer Project Consortium's goal regarding open data is to make spatial data more accessible and reusable. By making spatial data more open, the GeoHarmonizer Project Consortium hopes to promote innovation and collaboration in the research community.

In what formats they provide open data

The GeoHarmonizer Project Consortium does not provide any data as open data itself. However, the platform that it is developing will allow users to harmonize and publish their own data in a variety of formats, such as CSV, JSON, or XML.


The GeoHarmonizer Project Consortium is an important organization that is working to harmonize spatial data across Europe. By developing a platform that will allow users to harmonize spatial data from different sources, the GeoHarmonizer Project Consortium is helping to make spatial data more accessible and reusable.

Detailed information


GeoHarmonizer Project Consortium




Wageningen, Netherlands



Number of employees


Open data


Data types

Data on land cover, land use, and administrative areas

Data sets

Over 100 data sets


To harmonize spatial data across Europe



Available datasets

Open data Portal OpenDataScienceEurope Open Data API in development

With List of APIs we currently working on to bridge to life.
Are you missing any? Let us know!

NASADEM Slope and Curvature Global 1 arc second V001 Open Data

The Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC) is responsible for the archive and di

Issued on 2020-02-13

NASADEM Slope and Curvature Global 1 arc second V001 details >

ANV - Probability distribution for Pinus halepensis Open Data

Overview: Actual Natural Vegetation (ANV): probability of occurrence for the Aleppo pine in its real

Issued on

ANV - Probability distribution for Pinus halepensis details >

Essential Climate Variables: Monthly air temperature at 2 meter above surface (Copernicus Climate... Open Data

Overview: The Essential Climate Variables for assessment of climate variability from 1979 to present

Issued on 2020-10-26

Essential Climate Variables: Monthly air temperature at 2 meter above surface (Copernicus Climate... details >

Coniferous forest prob. R2 Open Data

312: R2 of OLS regression calculated over the probabilities values (2000—2019) for coniferous forest

Issued on

Coniferous forest prob. R2 details >

Sparsely vegetated areas Open Data

Overview: 333: Areas with sparse vegetation, covering 10-50% of surface. Includes steppes, tundra, l

Issued on 2022-03-03

Sparsely vegetated areas details >

Non-irrigated arable land prob. slope Open Data

Overview: 211: Slope of non-irrigated arable land derived by OLS regression over the probabilities v

Issued on

Non-irrigated arable land prob. slope details >

Northern Italy Land Surface Temperature 1km daily Celsius gap-filled dataset Open Data

Northern Italy Land Surface Temperature 1km daily Celsius gap-filled datasetLST daily avg, 2010 - 20

Issued on 2019-09-02

Northern Italy Land Surface Temperature 1km daily Celsius gap-filled dataset details >

Digital Orthophotos, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany Open Data

Orthophotos are high-resolution, distortion-free, true-to-scale images of the earth's surface. They

Issued on

Digital Orthophotos, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany details >

Short-term forecasting model ICON-D2 Open Data

Regional model ICON-D2 The DWD's ICON-D2 model is a forecast model which is operated for the very-s

Issued on 2021-02-16

Short-term forecasting model ICON-D2 details >

ERA5 Land precipitation daily sum Open Data

Overview: era5.copernicus: precipitation daily sums from 2000 to 2020 resampled with CHELSA to 1 km

Issued on

ERA5 Land precipitation daily sum details >

Maritime wetlands Open Data

421: Vegetated low-lying areas in the coastal zone, above the high-tide line, susceptible to floodin

Issued on 2021-03-01

Maritime wetlands details >

ANV - Probability distribution for Quercus cerris Open Data

Overview: Actual Natural Vegetation (ANV): probability of occurrence for the Turkey oak in its reali

Issued on

ANV - Probability distribution for Quercus cerris details >

Industrial or commercial units Open Data

Overview: 121: Land units that are under industrial or commercial use or serve for public service fa

Issued on 2022-03-03

Industrial or commercial units details >

OSM Greenhouse Open Data

osm: Greenhouses rasterized from OSM landuse polygons, first to 10m spatial resolution and after dow

Issued on 2021-03-01

OSM Greenhouse details >

ERA5-Land weekly: Total precipitation, weekly time series for Europe at 1 km resolution (2016 -... Open Data

Overview: ERA5-Land is a reanalysis dataset providing a consistent view of the evolution of land var

Issued on 2021-12-06

ERA5-Land weekly: Total precipitation, weekly time series for Europe at 1 km resolution (2016 -... details >

ERA5-Land weekly: Air temperature at 2 meter above surface, weekly time series for Europe at 1 km... Open Data

Overview: ERA5-Land is a reanalysis dataset providing a consistent view of the evolution of land var

Issued on 2021-12-06

ERA5-Land weekly: Air temperature at 2 meter above surface, weekly time series for Europe at 1 km... details >

Annual crops associated with permanent crops Open Data

Overview: 241: Cultivated land parcels with a mixed coverage of non-permanent (e.g. wheat) and perma

Issued on 2022-03-03

Annual crops associated with permanent crops details >

Essential Climate Variables: Sum of monthly precipitation (Copernicus Climate Data Store) Open Data

Overview: The Essential Climate Variables for assessment of climate variability from 1979 to present

Issued on 2020-10-26

Essential Climate Variables: Sum of monthly precipitation (Copernicus Climate Data Store) details >

Open Street Map (OSM) Open Data

OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a collaborative project to create a free editable map of the world. OSM is co

Issued on

Open Street Map (OSM) details >

Copernicus Global Land Cover: Land Use 100m / Change detection 100m, epoch 2015 Open Data

Base epoch 2015 from the Collection 3 of annual, global 100m land cover maps. Other available (cons

Issued on 2020-09-08

Copernicus Global Land Cover: Land Use 100m / Change detection 100m, epoch 2015 details >

AQ PM2.5 count pixels Open Data

pm2.5: Number of pixels used in aggregating monthly PM2.5 maps.

Issued on 2021-03-01

AQ PM2.5 count pixels details >

OSM harbours Open Data

Overview: osm: Harbours rasterized from OSM landuse polygons, first to 10m spatial resolution and af

Issued on 2021-03-01

OSM harbours details >

PNV - Probability distribution for Pinus halepensis Open Data

Overview: Potential Natural Vegetation (PNV): potential probability of occurrence for the Aleppo pin

Issued on

PNV - Probability distribution for Pinus halepensis details >

ANV - Probability distribution for Quercus robur Open Data

Overview: Actual Natural Vegetation (ANV): probability of occurrence for the Pedunculate oak in its

Issued on

ANV - Probability distribution for Quercus robur details >

OSM farmyard Open Data

osm: Farmyard rasterized from OSM landuse polygons, first to 10m spatial resolution and after downsa

Issued on 2021-03-01

OSM farmyard details >

AQ PM2.5 Open Data

pm2.5: Monthly PM2.5 maps aggregated from the daily PM2.5 predictions.

Issued on 2021-03-01

AQ PM2.5 details >

Landcover classification map of Germany 2019 based on Sentinel-2 data Open Data

This landcover map was produced as an intermediate result in the course of the project incora (Inwer

Issued on 2020-12-01

Landcover classification map of Germany 2019 based on Sentinel-2 data details >

PNV - Probability distribution for Quercus cerris Open Data

Overview: Potential Natural Vegetation (PNV): potential probability of occurrence for the Turkey oak

Issued on

PNV - Probability distribution for Quercus cerris details >

OSM meadows Open Data

Overview: osm: Meadows rasterized from OSM landuse polygons, first to 10m spatial resolution and aft

Issued on 2021-03-01

OSM meadows details >

PNV - Probability distribution for Picea abies Open Data

Overview: Potential Natural Vegetation (PNV): potential probability of occurrence for the Norway spr

Issued on

PNV - Probability distribution for Picea abies details >

Airports Open Data

124: Airports installations: runways, buildings and associated land. This class is assigned for any

Issued on 2021-03-01

Airports details >

Bare rocks Open Data

332: Scree, cliffs, rock outcrops, including areas of active erosion, rocks and reef flats situated

Issued on 2021-03-01

Bare rocks details >

ERA5 Land air temperature daily average Open Data

Overview: era5.copernicus: air temperature daily averages from 2000 to 2020 resampled with CHELSA to

Issued on

ERA5 Land air temperature daily average details >

Salines Open Data

Overview: 422: Sections of salt marsh exploited for the production of salt by evaporation, active or

Issued on 2022-03-03

Salines details >

Essential Climate Variables: Monthly surface air relative humidity at 2 meter above surface... Open Data

Overview: The Essential Climate Variables for assessment of climate variability from 1979 to present

Issued on 2020-10-26

Essential Climate Variables: Monthly surface air relative humidity at 2 meter above surface... details >

Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) - Statistical Units - Data sets (2003 -... Open Data

The Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) is a hierarchical classification of stat

Issued on 2020-01-20

Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) - Statistical Units - Data sets (2003 -... details >

ANV - Probability distribution for Castanea sativa Open Data

Overview: Actual Natural Vegetation (ANV): probability of occurrence for the Sweet chestnut in its r

Issued on

ANV - Probability distribution for Castanea sativa details >

Regional Reanalysis COSMO-REA6 Open Data

Many two-dimensional parameter fields are provided in hourly, daily, and monthly resolution in grib1

Issued on 2019-01-28

Regional Reanalysis COSMO-REA6 details >

MODIS NDVI and EVI, 16-day time series for Europe at 1 km resolution Open Data

Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) from MODIS data fo

Issued on 2021-10-29

MODIS NDVI and EVI, 16-day time series for Europe at 1 km resolution details >

OSM industrial buildings Open Data

osm: Industrial building aggregated and rasterized from OSM polygons, first to 10m spatial resolutio

Issued on 2021-03-01

OSM industrial buildings details >

COPERNICUS Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Open Data

The Copernicus DEM is a Digital Surface Model (DSM) which represents the surface of the Earth includ

Issued on 2019-12-01

COPERNICUS Digital Elevation Model (DEM) details >

Vineyards Open Data

Areas planted with vines, vineyard parcels covering >50% and determining the land use of the area.

Issued on 2021-03-01

Vineyards details >

Corine Land Cover 2018 (raster 100m) version 20 accounting layer, Jun. 2019 Open Data

The present 100m raster dataset is the 2018 CLC status layer modified for the purpose of consistent

Issued on 2019-07-23

Corine Land Cover 2018 (raster 100m) version 20 accounting layer, Jun. 2019 details >

Sclerophyllous vegetation Open Data

323: Bushy sclerophyllous vegetation in a climax stage of development, including maquis, matorral an

Issued on 2021-03-01

Sclerophyllous vegetation details >

Change Detection map of Germany 2016-2019 based on Sentinel-2 data Open Data

This change map was produced as an intermediate result in the course of the project incora (Inwertse

Issued on 2020-12-01

Change Detection map of Germany 2016-2019 based on Sentinel-2 data details >

ERA5-Land hourly data Open Data

Overview: ERA5-Land is a reanalysis dataset providing a consistent view of the evolution of land var

Issued on 2019-07-12

ERA5-Land hourly data details >

Sport and leisure facilities Open Data

Overview: 142: Areas used for sports, leisure and recreation purposes. Traceability (lineage):

Issued on 2022-03-03

Sport and leisure facilities details >

Natura2000-OSM Protected areas Open Data

natura: Protected areas rasterized from NATURA 2000 (A, B and C site categories) and OSM (IUCN Ia, I

Issued on 2021-03-01

Natura2000-OSM Protected areas details >

ANV - Probability distribution for Abies alba Open Data

Overview: Actual Natural Vegetation (ANV): probability of occurrence for the Silver fir in its reali

Issued on

ANV - Probability distribution for Abies alba details >

Mineral extraction sites Open Data

131: Open-pit extraction sites of construction materials (sandpits, quarries) or other minerals (ope

Issued on 2021-03-01

Mineral extraction sites details >

Olive groves Open Data

223: Cultivated areas planted with olive trees.

Issued on 2021-03-01

Olive groves details >

Copernicus-OSM buildings Open Data

osm: Buildings according to OSM polygons and the Copernicus impervious build-up layer (2018), aggreg

Issued on 2021-03-01

Copernicus-OSM buildings details >

Discontinuous urban fabric Open Data

Overview: 112: Surface area covered between 30% and 80% by urban structures and other impermeable, a

Issued on 2022-03-03

Discontinuous urban fabric details >

Coniferous forest Open Data

Overview: 312: Vegetation formation composed principally of trees, including shrub and bush understo

Issued on 2022-03-03

Coniferous forest details >

Port areas Open Data

123: Infrastructure of port areas (land and water surface), including quays, dockyards and marinas.

Issued on 2021-03-01

Port areas details >

ANV - Probability distribution for Quercus suber Open Data

Overview: Actual Natural Vegetation (ANV): probability of occurrence for the Cork oak in its realize

Issued on

ANV - Probability distribution for Quercus suber details >

Road and rail networks and associated land Open Data

122: Motorways and railways, including associated installations (stations, platforms, embankments, l

Issued on 2021-03-01

Road and rail networks and associated land details >

Decadal time series of spatially enhanced relative humidity for Europe at 30 arc seconds resolution... Open Data

Overview: ERA5-Land is a reanalysis dataset providing a consistent view of the evolution of land var

Issued on 2022-03-14

Decadal time series of spatially enhanced relative humidity for Europe at 30 arc seconds resolution... details >

Natural grasslands Open Data

Overview: 321: Grasslands under no or moderate human influence. Low productivity grasslands. Often s

Issued on 2022-03-03

Natural grasslands details >

Non-irrigated arable land prob. R2 Open Data

Overview: 211: R2 of OLS regression calculated over the probabilities values (2000—2019) for non-irr

Issued on

Non-irrigated arable land prob. R2 details >

Mixed forest Open Data

Overview: 313: Vegetation formation composed principally of trees, including shrub and bush understo

Issued on 2022-03-03

Mixed forest details >

Accessibility to Cities 2015 Open Data

This global accessibility map enumerates land-based travel time to the nearest densely-populated are

Issued on 2018-06-01

Accessibility to Cities 2015 details >

OSM military Open Data

Overview: osm: Military rasterized from OSM landuse polygons, first to 10m spatial resolution and af

Issued on 2021-03-01

OSM military details >

CAMS European air quality forecasts Open Data

CAMS produces specific daily air quality analyses and forecasts for the European domain at significa

Issued on 2015-03-11

CAMS European air quality forecasts details >

Countries, 2020 - Administrative Units - Dataset Open Data

This data set contains the administrative boundaries at country level of the world and is based on t

Issued on 2020-02-28

Countries, 2020 - Administrative Units - Dataset details >

Pastures prob. slope Open Data

Overview: 231: Slope of pastures derived by OLS regression over the probabilities values (2000—2019)

Issued on

Pastures prob. slope details >

OSM residental buildings Open Data

osm: Residential building aggregated and rasterized from OSM polygons, first to 10m spatial resoluti

Issued on 2021-03-01

OSM residental buildings details >

PNV - Probability distribution for Abies alba Open Data

Overview: Potential Natural Vegetation (PNV): potential probability of occurrence for the Silver fir

Issued on

PNV - Probability distribution for Abies alba details >

Coniferous forest prob. slope Open Data

312: Slope of coniferous forest derived by OLS regression over the probabilities values (2000—2019).

Issued on

Coniferous forest prob. slope details >

Daily gap-filled MODIS LST data (2003-2019) Open Data

Temperature time series with high spatial and temporal resolutions are important for several applica

Issued on 2019-03-05

Daily gap-filled MODIS LST data (2003-2019) details >

Beaches, dunes, sands Open Data

331: Natural non-vegetated expanses of sand or pebble/gravel, in coastal or continental locations, l

Issued on 2021-03-01

Beaches, dunes, sands details >

Landcover classification map of Germany 2020 based on Sentinel-2 data Open Data

This landcover map was produced with a classification method developed in the project incora (Inwert

Issued on 2021-04-22

Landcover classification map of Germany 2020 based on Sentinel-2 data details >

Copernicus Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for Europe at 30 arc seconds (ca. 1000 meter) resolution... Open Data

The Copernicus DEM is a Digital Surface Model (DSM) which represents the surface of the Earth includ

Issued on 2022-02-21

Copernicus Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for Europe at 30 arc seconds (ca. 1000 meter) resolution... details >

Agro-forestry areas Open Data

Overview: 244: Annual crops or grazing land under the wooded cover of forestry species. Traceabilit

Issued on 2022-03-03

Agro-forestry areas details >

ANV - Probability distribution for Prunus avium Open Data

Overview: Actual Natural Vegetation (ANV): probability of occurrence for the Sweet cherry in its rea

Issued on

ANV - Probability distribution for Prunus avium details >

Geo-harmonizer DEM WMS Open Data

Geo-harmonizer DEM WMS for serving 3D data for 3D clients.

Issued on 2021-09-01

Geo-harmonizer DEM WMS details >

Monthly time series of spatially enhanced relative humidity for Europe at 1000 m resolution (2000 -... Open Data

Overview: ERA5-Land is a reanalysis dataset providing a consistent view of the evolution of land var

Issued on 2022-12-13

Monthly time series of spatially enhanced relative humidity for Europe at 1000 m resolution (2000 -... details >

ANV - Probability distribution for Corylus avellana Open Data

Overview: Actual Natural Vegetation (ANV): probability of occurrence for the Common hazel in its rea

Issued on

ANV - Probability distribution for Corylus avellana details >

Change Detection map of Germany 2019-2020 based on Sentinel-2 data Open Data

This change map was produced on the basis of a classification method developed in the project incora

Issued on 2021-06-15

Change Detection map of Germany 2019-2020 based on Sentinel-2 data details >

Peat bogs Open Data

Overview: 412: Wetlands with accumulation of considerable amount of decomposed moss (mostly Sphagnum

Issued on 2022-03-03

Peat bogs details >

MODIS MNDWI, 8-day time series for Europe at 1 km resolution Open Data

Modified Normalized Difference Water Index (MNDWI) from MODIS data for Europe at 1 km resolution. S

Issued on 2021-10-29

MODIS MNDWI, 8-day time series for Europe at 1 km resolution details >

GHADA - Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) at 550 nm Open Data

Overview: Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) at 550 nm Traceability (lineage): The data source used to

Issued on

GHADA - Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) at 550 nm details >

Land Cover Map of Europe 2017 Open Data

The Land Cover Map of Europe 2017 is a product resulting from the Phase 2 of the S2GLC project. The

Issued on 2019-07-15

Land Cover Map of Europe 2017 details >

Land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation Open Data

Overview: 243: Areas principally occupied with agriculture, interspersed with significantsemi-natura

Issued on 2022-03-03

Land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation details >

Transitional woodland-shrub Open Data

324: Transitional bushy and herbaceous vegetation with occasional scattered trees. Can represent woo

Issued on 2021-03-01

Transitional woodland-shrub details >

PNV - Probability distribution for Quercus suber Open Data

Overview: Potential Natural Vegetation (PNV): potential probability of occurrence for the Cork oak f

Issued on

PNV - Probability distribution for Quercus suber details >

OpenStreetMap WMS Open Data

OpenStreetMap WMS, bereitgestellt durch terrestris GmbH und Co. KG. Beschleunigt mit MapProxy (http:

Issued on

OpenStreetMap WMS details >

PNV - Probability distribution for Quercus robur Open Data

Overview: Potential Natural Vegetation (PNV): potential probability of occurrence for the Pedunculat

Issued on

PNV - Probability distribution for Quercus robur details >

Terrain hillshade Open Data

dtm: Hillshade derived using combined compute_edges in gdaldem

Issued on

Terrain hillshade details >

ERA5-Land daily: Total precipitation (2000 - 2020) Open Data

Overview: ERA5-Land is a reanalysis dataset providing a consistent view of the evolution of land var

Issued on 2021-10-26

ERA5-Land daily: Total precipitation (2000 - 2020) details >

Landcover classification map of Germany 2016 based on Sentinel-2 data Open Data

This landcover map was produced as an intermediate result in the course of the project incora (Inwer

Issued on 2020-12-01

Landcover classification map of Germany 2016 based on Sentinel-2 data details >

ANV - Probability distribution for Pinus pinea Open Data

Overview: Actual Natural Vegetation (ANV): probability of occurrence for the Stone pine in its reali

Issued on

ANV - Probability distribution for Pinus pinea details >

Decadal time series of spatially enhanced relative humidity for Europe at 1000 m resolution (2000 -... Open Data

Overview: ERA5-Land is a reanalysis dataset providing a consistent view of the evolution of land var

Issued on 2022-12-13

Decadal time series of spatially enhanced relative humidity for Europe at 1000 m resolution (2000 -... details >

Land Cover Map of Europe 2017 at 10m resolution Open Data

The Land Cover Map of Europe 2017 is a product resulting from the Phase 2 of the S2GLC project. The

Issued on 2019-07-15

Land Cover Map of Europe 2017 at 10m resolution details >

Copernicus Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for Europe at 1000 meter resolution (EU-LAEA) derived from... Open Data

The Copernicus DEM is a Digital Surface Model (DSM) which represents the surface of the Earth includ

Issued on 2022-02-21

Copernicus Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for Europe at 1000 meter resolution (EU-LAEA) derived from... details >

OSM forest Open Data

osm: Forest rasterized from OSM landuse polygons, first to 10m spatial resolution and after downsamp

Issued on 2021-03-01

OSM forest details >

VIIRS Day/Night Band Nighttime Lights: monthly and annual average radiance composite images Open Data

The Earth Observations Group (EOG) is producing a version 1 suite of average radiance composite imag

Issued on 2020-06-23

VIIRS Day/Night Band Nighttime Lights: monthly and annual average radiance composite images details >

COPERNICUS Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for Europe at 30 meter resolution derived from Copernicus... Open Data

Here we provide a mosaic of the Copernicus DEM 30m for Europe and the corresponding hillshade derive

Issued on 2022-05-20

COPERNICUS Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for Europe at 30 meter resolution derived from Copernicus... details >

Global Healthsites Mapping Project - building an open data commons of health facility data with... Open Data

When a natural disaster or disease outbreak occurs there is a rush to establish accurate health care

Issued on 2020-06-19

Global Healthsites Mapping Project - building an open data commons of health facility data with... details >

Countries, 2016 - Administrative Units - Dataset Open Data

This data set contains the administrative boundaries at country level of the world and is based on t

Issued on 2018-05-23

Countries, 2016 - Administrative Units - Dataset details >
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