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With List of APIs we currently working on to bridge to life.
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Daily values of weather observations: Kittilä Pokka Open Data
The data contains the calculated and measured daily values of the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s
Issued on 2013-03-22
Monthly values of weather observations: Inari Kirakkajärvi Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Observations of trust Open Data
Weather sonar (temperature, humidity, pressure, wind direction and speed) from the ground to about 2
Issued on 2020-09-10
Road weather observations: vt6 Simpele Don't Opt Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Weather observations: Hanko Tvärminne Open Data
The data contains the instantaneous surface weather observations of the Finnish Meteorological Insti
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Korsbäck Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Daily values of weather observations: Iisalmi city centre Open Data
The data contains the calculated and measured daily values of the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s
Issued on 2013-03-22
Road weather observations: Satamatie R Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Road weather observations: st110 Hyrsylän bend R Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Daily values of weather observations: Kuusamo Airport Open Data
The data contains the calculated and measured daily values of the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s
Issued on 2013-03-22
Daily values of weather observations: Juuka Niemelä Open Data
The data contains the calculated and measured daily values of the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s
Issued on 2013-03-22
Monthly values of weather observations: Keikyä Aarikkala Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Road weather observations: vt26 Myllykylä R Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Sund Tranvik Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Road weather observations: kt75 Mujejärvi R Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Honkilahti Kirkonkylä Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Kuhmo Korpisalmi Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Rovaniemi mlk Marrasjärvi Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Mikkeli Otava Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Längelmäki Korvenkylä Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Vehmaa Ylikylä Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Weather observations: Juva Partala Open Data
The data contains the instantaneous surface weather observations of the Finnish Meteorological Insti
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Mustasaari Sulva Forsbacken Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Road weather observations: vt4 Temmes R Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Low-Cyro Moon Mode Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: The Swan Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: II Over-Olhava Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Kauhava airport Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Road weather observations: Vt1 Lake of Fire O Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Road weather observations: vt25 Raseborg Bridge Opt2 Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Road weather observations: kt43 Fishing R Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Kittilä Kaukonen Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Hamina Onkamaa Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Daily values of weather observations: Kajaani Airport Open Data
The data contains the calculated and measured daily values of the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s
Issued on 2013-03-22
External radiation control: Luvia Open Data
The data include the dose rates of external radiation measured at the observation station. The Radia
Issued on 2016-02-01
Daily values of weather observations: Kajaani Airport Open Data
The data contains the calculated and measured daily values of the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s
Issued on 2013-03-22
Daily values of weather observations: Pihtipudas Ilosjoki Open Data
The data contains the calculated and measured daily values of the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s
Issued on 2013-03-22
Monthly values of weather observations: Puumala Vesiniemi Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Road weather observations: vt7 Hamina Summa Opt1 Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Mustasaari Riimala Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Road weather observations: vt3 Bear corpus R Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Paltamo Keräsenvaara Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Vaala Pelso Pendant Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Road weather observations: st110 Oinola R Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Kuusamo Teeriranta Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Road weather observations: vt6 Elimäki R Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Daily values of weather observations: Ilomantsi Pötsönvaara Open Data
The data contains the calculated and measured daily values of the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s
Issued on 2013-03-22
Monthly values of weather observations: Joroinen Kotkatlahti Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Road weather observations: vt13 Kaustinen R Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Road weather observations: vt4 Simo Opt Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
External radiation control: Salon Open Data
The data include the dose rates of external radiation measured at the observation station. The Radia
Issued on 2016-02-01
Road weather observations: vt9 Mellilä R Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Road weather observations: Vt21 Tapojärvi R Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Daily values of weather observations: Liperi Ahonkylä Leppilampi Open Data
The data contains the calculated and measured daily values of the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s
Issued on 2013-03-22
Road weather observations: vt3 Jutikkala Opt Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Daily values of weather observations: Helsinki Vartiokylänlahti Open Data
The data contains the calculated and measured daily values of the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s
Issued on 2013-03-22
Road weather observations: vt3 Keimola 2 R Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Kajaani Paltaniemi Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Noormarkku Lassila Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Enonkoski Karvila Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Road weather observations: vt6 Imatra R Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Kalanti Varhela Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Road weather observations: kt83 Raanujärvi R Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Daily values of weather observations: Kemi Kemi-Tornio Airport Open Data
The data contains the calculated and measured daily values of the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s
Issued on 2013-03-22
Monthly values of weather observations: Kuorevesi Kaltila Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Road weather observations: vt12 Eura R Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Leppävirta Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Lake Varpaisjärvi Sutela Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Hyrynsalmi kk Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Road weather observations: vt23 Suurmäki R Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Road weather observations: vt13 Savitaipale Opt Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Road weather observations: vt1 Kruusila R Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Multia Lake Sahrajärvi Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Karstula Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Road weather observations: st101 Peat bog O Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Seawater elevation observations: Vaasa Vaskiluoto Open Data
The altitude of seawater in relation to the theoretical mean water and the N2000 elevation system fr
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Ylitornio Meltosjärvi Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Pello Sirkkakoski Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Road weather observations: Vt7 Hamina Kolsila East Opt1 Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Road weather observations: Vt29 Village River Opt Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Road weather observations: vt25 Livestock R Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Värtsilä Värtsilä Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Karvia Alki Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
External radiation control: Lohja Open Data
The data include the dose rates of external radiation measured at the observation station. The Radia
Issued on 2016-02-01
Monthly values of weather observations: Kolari Kattilamaa Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Road weather observations: Vt6 Lappeenranta R Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Rovaniemi Apukka Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Lumparland Långnäs port Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
External radiation control: Lake Mouhijärvi Open Data
The data include the dose rates of external radiation measured at the observation station. The Radia
Issued on 2016-02-01
Monthly values of weather observations: Artery Church Village Monthly values of weather... Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Weather observations: Salo Kiikala airport Open Data
The data contains the instantaneous surface weather observations of the Finnish Meteorological Insti
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Hartola Murakka Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Road weather observations: Vt1 Suomusjärvi R Open Data
The dataset contains data produced by the Finnish Transport Agency’s road weather system on the weat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Puumala Sorjola Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Sodankylä LISMA-Aapa primary school Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Rantasalmi Tuusmäki Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Miehikkälä Hauhia Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Kajaani Airport Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Monthly values of weather observations: Suomussalmi Huljäkä Open Data
The data includes the station-specific surface weather observation station’s calculated air temperat
Issued on 2013-05-14
Daily values of weather observations: The Parainen Utö Open Data
The data contains the calculated and measured daily values of the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s
Issued on 2013-03-22
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