Dataset information
Available languages
ocs, mos, inspire, occupation du sol, cartographie, risques, mode d'occupation du sol
Dataset description
As part of PIGMA, the large-scale Neo-Aquitan Land Use Reference (OCS) is produced by photo-interpretation. This is a fine description of the territory whose production method is based on photo-interpretation. Production started in 2010 and currently covers all the departments of the region with the vintages ‘2009’ and ‘2015’. The departments 24-Dordogne, 33-Gironde, 40-Landes, 47-Lot-et-Garonne and 64-Pyrénées-Atlantiques are also covered by the vintage ‘2000’.
The update phase of the benchmark with a new 2020 vintage was completed and the departments of New Aquitaine were gradually covered during 2021. The data is available in a version finalised since 15 February 2022 on the entire New Aquitaine.
Here is the timetable for the availability of the data in the finalised version by department:
16-Charente (finalised version 2, 15/02/2022)
17-Charente-Maritime (finalised version, 30/09/2021)
19-Corrèze (finalised version, 30/11/2021)
23-Creuse (finalised version, 30/01/2022)
24-Dordogne (finalised version, 15/07/2021)
33-Gironde (finalised version 2, 30/11/2021)
40-Landes (finalised version, 15/12/2021)
47-Lot-et-Garonne (finalised version, 30/09/2021)
64-Pyrénées-Atlantiques (finalised version, 15/02/2022)
79-Deux-Sèvres (finalised version, 15/02/2022)
86-Vienna (finalised version, 15/02/2022)
87-Haute-Vienna (finalised version, 15/12/2021)
A combined nomenclature at 4 levels and 64 posts has been defined. The nomenclature of the regional SCO is a hierarchical classification with a tree structure. It makes it possible to qualify the elements of land cover on 4 hierarchical levels, 3 of which are based on Corine Land Cover. This nomenclature has been adapted to the territory of New Aquitaine, respecting the needs communicated by partners and local actors.
Minor changes and improvements were made to the nomenclature during the production of the SCO 2020 and is now considered version 2 of the regional nomenclature (V2).
As it stands, the production of this benchmark and its updates is supported by the New Aquitaine Region, Europe (FEDER) and the ATGeRi IPTF. During the previous stages of production, this project had also benefited from funding from the State, GIP Littoral and the Departments of Dordogne, Landes, Lot and Garonne, Pyrenees-Atlantiques, as well as an input of data and engineering from the IGN.
This metadata sheet was dedicated to the production of the OCS 2020 and the dissemination of the beta version of this data. It provided access to the various documents made available to local actors to monitor the production and to participate in the verification of these data. This sheet shall be updated until 15/02/2022, when the finalised version of the data is made available.
The beta version of the data is no longer disseminated as it is replaced by the finalised version.
The data in the finalised version is accessible to all via a form (see Online resources).
The data is also accessible via PIGMA login for download on the platform (see Online Resources).
Precautions for use of the beta version were:
1) The beta version is a non-final version and is distributed to allow the territories to perform a reettage and to assess internally the first results (pending the finalised version).
2) It is not possible to use the beta data to develop studies or analyses and to communicate them externally.
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