The European Directive 2002/49/EC on the assessment and management of environmental noise aims at a harmonised assessment of exposure to noise in the Member States. It defines them as representations of data describing a noise situation according to a noise indicator, indicating exceedances of limit values, the number of persons exposed.
Noise maps are not prescriptive.
These are information documents that are not legally enforceable. As graphic elements, however, they can supplement a Local Planning Plan (LDP).
As part of an Urban Travel Plan (UDP), maps can be used to establish baselines and target areas where better traffic management is needed.
Type A card:
—Areas exposed to more than 55 dB(A) in Lden
—Areas exposed to more than 50 dB(A) in Ln
— LD card (Lden) Sound level indicator means Level Day-Evening-Night.
— Map LN (Ln) Sound level indicator for the night period between 22.00 and 06:00.
Aggregation carried out with the QGIS MIZOGEO plugin made available by CEREMA.
Data source: CEREMA
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