Aquitaine: N2000 — Geographic Entities Describe the Natural Habitats of the Wet Landside Areas of the Girondin Coast — FR7200681 (surface)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2016.11.17 00:00
Available languages
natura 2000, patrimoine naturel, aquitaine, habitats d’intérêt communautaire, n2000, données ouvertes, habitats naturels
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This dataset contains the natural surface habitats zoning identified in the Natura 2000 site objective document “Wet areas of the girondin coast” — FR7200681, in the Aquitaine region. This dataset is to be used with the non-geometric table FR7200681_habitat_phyto_poly, available in the associated documents. This table contains information describing the polygons of natural habitats (typicitE, state, restoration, phytosociology, etc.), as well as the phytosociological data (habitat lists) identified in the site objective document. The objective document of a Natura 2000 site contains an inventory and biological description of natural habitats and species habitats, in particular those of Community interest. All the habitats present on the site, whether of Community interest or not, are identified and mapped. Habitat identification is based primarily on the classical phytosociological approach (classification of the Prodrome des Végétations de France and the typological benchmarks of habitats produced by the South-Atlantic CBN). Where the individualisation of elementary habitats is not possible, a zoning is demarcated, called “habitat complex” with an estimate of the relative proportion of each habitat contained in the “habitat complex” zoning. NOTE: this data is provided for information purposes and has no regulatory value.
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