Data batch direct download service (WFS): Urban planning document of Bragelogne Beauvoir

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.03.28 00:00
Available languages
WFS 1.1.0
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This COVADIS data standard concerns local planning documents (LDPs) and land use plans (POSs that are PLU). This data standard provides a technical framework describing in detail how to dematerialise these planning documents into a spatial database that can be used by a GIS tool and interoperable. This standard of COVADIS data was developed on the basis of the specifications for the dematerialisation of planning documents updated in 2012 by the CNIG, itself based on the consolidated version of the urban planning code dated 16 March 2012. The dematerialisation of the graphic documents of a PLU, POS generates a set of spatial data composed of several catalogues of objects: Class ZONE_URBA containing the urban areas corresponding to the zoning plan of the PLU (R.123-5 to 8): urban areas (U), areas to be urbanised (AU), agricultural areas (A) and natural and forest areas (N). A regulation is attached to each area. The by-law may lay down different rules, depending on whether the purpose of the constructions will relate to housing, hotel accommodation, offices, trade, crafts, industry, agricultural or forestry operations or warehouse functions. Class PRESCRIPTION containing all surface, linear and point requirements for PLU or POS (R123-11). They are superimposed on an area in the planning document and in general impose an additional constraint on the settlement of the area. A regulation shall be attached to each prescription.
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