data download service (WFS) from: Atlas of Major Natural Risks

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OGC:WFS, infoFeatureAccessService
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Dataset description

PLEASE NOTE: this map can no longer be updated. A provisional mapping is available: Carried out jointly by the Institut National de l’Environnement et des Risks (INERIS) and the Bureau de Recherches Géologique et Minières (BRGM), this atlas was carried out in order to better understand the natural hazards in the Oise. This work should make it possible to take better account of risks in the planning process, to prioritise actions to be taken and to raise awareness among citizens. Each of the maps is detailed, allowing you to select all parameters independently of each other. C_gliss_medium C_RemNappe_catnat2 C_fort c_cat_nat_coulee_2 C_Lutetien_strongly_sous_cave C_Cretace_lowly_sous_cave C_Inond_debord_bresle C_Comm_catnat_inond_4 c_Terrains_without_cavites_1 c_Inond_debord_Therain_crue99 C_Comm_RisqCavites2006_Values_Lithology C_Argiles_lowly_strongly_under_cavees C_Comm_catnat_inond_8 c_sensibilite_remont_nappe_weak c_sensibilite_remont_nappe_tresfo c_cat_nat_coulee_3 C_Comm_RisqMVT2006_Values_Class c_tres_fort C_gliss_weak C_Comm_RisqInondation_Values_Alea_RisqInondation C_RemNappe_catnat1 C_communesOise C_low_nul c_cat_nat_coulee_5 C_low C_Inond_debord_OiseAisne C_Comm_RisqRNappe_Values_RNappe C_Comm_catnat_inond_6 C_Comm_catnat_inond_1 c_Terrains_without_cavites C_gliss_medium_low C_Comm_catnat_inond_3 C_communesOise_Tags C_Comm_RisqCBoue_Values_CBoue C_Lutetien_sous_cave c_Inond_debord_Therain_cruecentennale C_Comm_catnat_inond_5 c_sensibilite_remont_nappe_fort C_ADDE60 c_cat_nat_coulee_1 C_CATNAT_Values_NO_MVT c_sensibilite_remont_nappe_subaff c_cat_nat_coulee_4 C_Inond_debord_TherainPPR C_medium c_cours_d_eau C_Comm_catnat_inond_7 c_sensibilite_remont_nappe_medium C_Inond_debord_Ept C_Comm_catnat_inond_2 c_sensibilite_remont_nappe_nul C_Inond_debord_Oise
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