Dataset Direct Download Service (WFS): Adour-Garonne Basin: Perimeter of Migratory Fish GEstion Plans (PLAGEPOMI)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.03.29 00:00
Available languages
WFS 1.1.0
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Dataset description

This dataset contains the boundaries covered by the Migratory Fish GEstion (PLAGEPOMI) plans on the Adour Garonne Basin. The PLAGEPOMI Garonne: Garonne basin comprising the Lot and Tarn, the Dordogne basin, the Charente basin, the coastal river basins mainly represented by the Seudre and the Leyre. The management plan for migratory fish in the Garonne basin is approved by prefectural decree for the period 2015-2019. The PLAGEPOMI Adour: the Adour and Gaves basin, the Nivelle basin, the Basque coastal areas and the Landese currents. The Adour Basin Migratory Fish Management Plan is under review. In these territories, the respective Migratory Fish Management Committees (COGEPOMI) have jurisdiction over all rivers and canals flowing to the sea, their tributaries and the bodies of water with which they communicate to the extent or are located there migratory fish belonging to the following species: Large shad, feigned Alose, European Angle, Marine Lamprey, River Lamprey, Atlantic Salmon, Sea trout.
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